Gracious God, My Heart Renew 623 LUYH Words: Psalter 1912, alt, P.D., Music: Richard Redhead, 1853, P.D.
Gracious God, My Heart Renew V. 1 God, be merciful to me; Me your grace I rest my plea. My transgressions I confess; grief and guilt my soul oppress. Wash me, make me pure within; cleanse, O cleanse me from my sin.
Gracious God, My Heart Renew V. 2 Gracious God, my heart renew; Make my spirit right and true. In your presence let me stay; by your Spirit show the way. Your salvation’s joy impart, steadfast make my willing heart.
Gracious God, My Heart Renew V. 3 So shall sinners be restored and return to you, their Lord; Savior, all my guilt remove, and my tongue shall sing your love; touch my silent lips, O Lord, and my mouth shall praise accord.
Gracious God, My Heart Renew V. 4 Not the formal sacrifice has acceptance in your eyes; broken hearts are in your sight more than sacrificial rite; contrite spirit, pleading cries, you, O God, will not despise.
Gracious God, My Heart Renew V. 5 Prosper Zion in your grace and her broken walls replace: then our righteous sacrifice shall delight your holy eyes; free-will offerings, gladly made, on your altar shall be laid.
How On Earth Do We Be Holy? 1 Peter 1: 13-16
How On Earth Do We Be Holy? 1 Peter 1:13-16 Sometimes we want to know: “What’s the bottom line?” Peter helps: “Here’s what you are to do!” Here are five straightforward commands: 1. Be mentally prepared. 2. Be self controlled. 3. Be hopeful. 4. Be obedient. 5. Be holy.
How On Earth Do We Be Holy? 1 Peter 1:13-16 1. Therefore… because of what God has done for us, “prepare your minds for action.” How? Study, learn, feed your mind, listen to Christian Radio/Music/Movies, etc. 2. Be self controlled. How? Don’t let outside forces or events control you. “Be sober.” 3. Be hopeful. ‘Perfectly’ hopeful. How? Completely confident Christ will return, just as He said. Don’t be mislead.
How On Earth Do We Be Holy? 1 Peter 1:13-16 4. Be obedient. How? “Do as you’re told.” by God’s Word. Act different from before we knew Him! 5. Be Holy. How? Be AND become Holy, same verb. Heard this before? O.T. Israel commanded to be Holy repeatedly. Tremendous Comfort! God will provide what we need to be/become Holy.
How On Earth Do We Be Holy? 1 Peter 1:13-16 Define Holy? Separate FROM sin and separate FOR God. Change from sin to New Life. Noticeable! Scary AND exciting! Becoming Holy will not stop on this earth. Strive to BE HOLY. Ask God to help with it! AMEN!