P15662: Linearly Reciprocating Friction Tester Armature Subsystem: Reba Conway, Kolby Irving, Chris Karamanos, Eric Kutil, Emeka Okoye Base Subsystem: Sean Cummings, Ethan Hanson, Matt Lebowitz, Tyler Nigolian, Alexandra Woodward
Agenda Project Overview Constraints Engineering Requirements Customer Requirements
Project Overview
Constraints Constraint Was it met? Conforms to ASTM G-133-05, ASTM G-181, ASTM-D-5706-05, ASTM-D-5707-05 $2500 budget PASS Use of LabVIEW for data acquisition
Customer Requirements Customer Reqt # Importance Description Requirement Met? C1 9 Interface between Armature (P15660) and Reciprocating Base (P15661) C2 User and repair manual included C3 System is safe to be around when running C4 All data in SI units C5 Physical size fits on desktop C6 Ease of use C7 Accommodate ball/pin contact holder C8 Contact Holder to be removable and interchangeable C9 Range of normal force applied to contact C10 Zero resting force of armature (load release) C11 Continuous force by voice coil C12 Base does not deform under applied normal load C13 Base accepts variable sized specimen C14 Device will accommodate both dry and lubricated specimen tests C15 Variable stroke C16 Variable frequency C17 Test rig must remain stationary during operation C18 3 Data acquisition system integrates with LabVIEW C19 Contact Holder to be easily adjustable C20 Device reliable for long test durations C21 1 Variety of precision weights meets requirement meets minimum requirement does not meet requirement
Engineering Requirements (System) Eng Reqt # Source Engineering Requirement (metric) Units Marginal Value Ideal Value Actual ER1 C1 Base and armature use the same interface PASS/FAIL PASS ER2 C3 System Safety ER3 Fail Safe ER4 C5 System not too large feet 4x6 2x1 2x1.04x1.05 ER5 C20 Test duration hours 0.1-10 24 ER6 C6 Base is easy to clean seconds 60 45 46 ER7 C9, C12 Testing load range N - 0.5-20 ER8 C10 Zero Resting Force of Armature 0.01 0.0001962 ER9 C13 Specimen diameter mm 20-50 19.41 - 53.27 ER10 Specimen thickness 5-25 ER11 C11 Minimize weight of holder kg 0.5 0.25 0.285 ER12 C15 Stroke 2-10 +/- 0.5 ER13 C16 Frequency Hz 1-10 +/- 0.5 ER14 C7 Secure Ball/Pin Holder and Resist Slippage 30 >30 50.56 ER15 C1, C6, C19 Adjustablity in the Z-axis 47.22 ER16 C6, C8, C19 Ball/Pin Easily Adjustable and Interchangeable Minutes 2 <2 0.67 ER17 C1, C6 Adjustablity in the X-axis 35 >>35 27 ER18 Adjustablity in the Y-axis 49 ER19 C4, C18 Record Frictional Force ER20 C18 Data Acquisition works with LabView meets requirement meets minimum requirement does not meet requirement
Project Deliverables Completed reciprocating friction tester Complete documentation package Drawings Process sheets Test plans Test data validating conformance to requirements Maintenance and operation manual
Final Product – need to label other major parts, label x + y axis counterbalance strain gauges voice coil
Final Product - need to label major parts, label x + y axis
Test Results
Project Status
Major Issues