Plasma Levels Correlate with Clinical Benefit Subset Group (n=73) Q1 n=18 Q2-Q3 n=36 Q4 n=19 TPC Cmin <1110 ng/mL Cmin ≥1110 to <2040 ng/mL Cmin ≥2040 ng/mL OR 8 (44%) 24 (67%) 14 (74%) Median TTP 11.3 months 30.6 months 33.1 months TPC=trough plasma concentrations; OR=overall response; TTP=time to progression Adapted from: Demetri et al. ASCO-GI 2008, Study B2222.
Recurrence-free survival (%) ACOSOG Z9000: Overall Survival Recurrence-free survival (%) Adapted from: DeMatteo et al. GI ASCO 2008.
Recurrence-free survival (%) ACOSOG Z9000: Recurrence-free Survival Recurrence-free survival (%) Adapted from DeMatteo presentation at GI ASCO 2008.