How to navigate the planning system and work with partners to save your local pub Paul Ainsworth – Chair of Pub Campaigns Ellie Hudspith – Policy and Research Manager
1. Pubs & Planning – The Basics Any change of use now needs planning permission As does any demolition National planning policies offer some protection to pubs Local planning policies can offer protection to pubs
2. Under threat – first steps Once rumours start, find out who owns the pub what are/seem to be their intentions Form a campaign group Start gathering community support Consider community purchase possibilities/ACV nomination Plan a campaign strategy
3. Working with others Identify potential supporters Test local opinion Contact sources of assistance e.g. CAMRA, Plunkett, Pub is the Hub Contact local Councillors/MP
4. Under threat – next steps Publicity, including social media Attempt dialogue with owners (esp. if community purchase is being considered) Informal contact with Planners Start lobbying
5. The planning application Early scrutiny essential Consider arguments for objection: community angle policy angle viability marketing other Encourage objections Write and submit objections Request Committee consideration
6. Before and at the meeting Intensive lobbying of relevant Councillors Maximise publicity Ask to speak at meeting Make the most of your slot Hopefully, celebrate your success
7. After the decision Permission refused, but applicant appeals Permission refused, but owner sits on closed pub Lawful Development Certificates Permission granted – anything you can do?