Senior English 12/10/18 Respond to “The Type” by Sarah Kay video.


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Presentation transcript:

Senior English 12/10/18 Respond to “The Type” by Sarah Kay video. What did the rug say to the floor? Bicipital – having two heads. Goals – Complete poem 1 recitals and readings for absentees. Re do poem 1? Practice Poem 2 aloud. Homework – Write your poem from memory on your daily work paper. Recite/read it aloud. Prepare for competition. Don’t forget vocab.13 on Friday. I got you covered!

Senior English 12/11/18 Respond to “Dulce et Decorum Est” video. Who are the most truthful men in Spain? Chaetophorous – bristle bearing; in need of a shave. Goals – Practice reciting aloud. Volunteers or victims? Homework – Write your poem from memory below your opener. Round 2 begins soon!

Senior English 12/12/18 Respond to “Live Rich” by Gary Turk. Live Rich Why did the bunnies go on strike? Cagophily – the love of collecting keys. Goals – Continue practice and individual coaching. Reciting for the class without evaluation? Homework – Recite your poem aloud tonight. They wanted a raise in celery.

Senior English 12/13/18 Respond to, “My Honest Poem”, by Rudy Francisco My Honest Poem If Mr. and Mrs. Bigger had a baby, who would be the biggest of the three? Canorous – sweet sounding. Goals - Recite for class and coaching. Try some recitals for the second time. Study for quiz 12. Homework – Don’t forget to study for Quiz # 13 tomorrow. Baby is a little bigger

Senior English 12/14/18 Five minutes to Study for Vocab. #13. Did you hear about the invisible man who married the invisible woman? Culch – rubbish, b.s. Goals – Complete and grade Vocab. #13. Re do poems for Poetry Out Loud? Try one in front of the class for practice? Volunteers or Victims? Homework – Write you whole poem tonight, tomorrow night and Sunday night. Prepare for evaluation on Monday. Yeah their kids aren’t much to look at.