Telecom Battery Maintenance vs IEEE Presented by Curtis Ashton CenturyLink Sr Lead Power Maintenance Engineer Phoenix Plaza February 4-8, 2019
Overview IEEE Recommendations for Battery Routine Frequencies are Generally Overkill for Telecom Comparing IEEE 450 (VLA), 937 (PV lead-acid), 1106 (NiCd), 1184 (UPS), 1188 (VRLA), and P2685 (Engine Starting) to ATIS-0600035 For Engine Start Batteries a Comparison to NFPA 110 Recommendations was also done ATIS-0600035 was Developed in Response to an FCC Order on 911 Reliability (Derecho) that asked us to follow “manufacturer’s routine practices” Manufacturer and IEEE Practices Default to the Most Critical application (Typically Nuclear Generation), which is overkill for Telecom Next Edition of IEEE 1188 Hopes to Address The Criticality/Frequency Issue With an Annex Missing Items from IEEE Standards that are Covered in ATIS Document Perhaps the various IEEE WGs listed above should Add some? Battery Monitors (see IEEE 1491) Can Reduce Visit Frequency? Something for the various IEEE WGs listed above to Consider?
Remoteness of Many Telecom Sites
Meaning of the Frequency Acronyms W = Weekly M = Monthly Q = Quarterly S = Semi-Annually (once every 6 Months) A = Annually 2 = bi-annually (every 2 Years) 3 = once every 3 Years 5 = once every 5 Years n/a = Not Applicable TBD = still To Be Determined (standard in progress/process) never = Not Done rare = only on demand see prior = follow guidelines of IEEE 450, 1106, and 1188, as applicable ? = not really absolutely “required” or there are alternatives ? = probably needs to be added to this particular document?
Battery Maintenance Tasks Frequency Comparison for DC Plants and UPS (page 1) 450 1106 1188 1184 937 ATIS Post Corrosion, AntiOxidant, Cleaning M Q see prior S Leaks & Cracks Room Ventilation & Pilot Cell (if used) Temperature Add Water n/a Float Current (more important for Sb/Se & VRLA) A Check Battery Terminal Voltage and Charging Settings Ground Current Leakage (for ungrounded strings) ? LVD SetPoint Check (when LVBD used) Read Cell/Unit Voltages Individual Cell/Unit Temperatures
Battery Maintenance Tasks/Tests Frequency Comparison for DC Plants and UPS (continued – pg 2) 450 1106 1188 1184 937 ATIS Internal Ohmic Readings (primarily for VRLA) A? n/a Q S A Verify Battery Monitor Operation/Readings M ? Pilot Cell or 10% s.g. readings (primarily for Antimony?) Q? never Specific Gravity readings for All Cells (primarily Antimony?) “excessive” Case Bulge (more important on VRLA) see prior Battery Stand/Rack/Cabinet Integrity / Bolt Tightness Visual Inspection of Internal Plates, Sediment, etc. Ripple Current (primarily a UPS thing) InterCell/Unit Resistance/Torque Performance Test (Full Discharge) 5 2-3 rare
Telecom Annual Partial Discharge Test Prediction for VLA (Telcordia/Bellcore Patented Algorithm)
Engine Start Battery Systems Maintenance Tasks/Tests Frequency Comparison NFPA 110 P2685 ATIS Add Water to Cells (as needed and applicable) W/M TBD S Post Corrosion Check/Clean M Check start/control Battery Charger(s) A start/control Battery Voltage(s) Specific Gravities (if possible) never Clean Batteries Q Charger and Low Voltage Alarms check Temperature Compensation (primarily for VRLAs) Battery Heater Pad proper operation (as applicable) check/Trend Starter(‘s) Current draw OverCrank Settings Connection Tightness
Battery Items in ATIS List but Not in IEEE Documents Task ATIS frequency Check De-Ionizer Cartridge(s) - (if used, for wet cells only) S Check Battery Disconnects (if used), including Alarming of them A Test/Calibrate Room Hydrogen Detector (where used) Proper Spacing Between VRLA Multi-Cell Units (Blocs) - especially Top-Teminal Proper Temperature Compensation Settings (primarily for VRLA) Local & Remote Battery / Charger Alarms Adequate Battery Capacity for the Load Backup Battery Monitor Programming and Change Primary Button Cell Backup Battery 5
Safety Items in ATIS List but Not in IEEE Documents Task ATIS frequency check Apron, Goggles, Faceshield, and Battery Gloves (mostly for VLA batteries) S check Spill Kits, and ensure Spill Procedures Posted A ensure Safety Warning Signs for Battery Room are Posted Re-Stock First Aid Kit (as needed) M ensure Eyewash is Not Expired (and works and is clean if plumbed)
Battery Monitors Reduce Site Visit / Task Frequency Need? For Example, we went from Quarterly UPS VRLA Ohmic Readings to Annual when Battery Monitor was Installed Annual Ohmic Check Simply to Verify Accuracy of Monitor Readings If a Permanent Monitor is Monitoring All my Battery Temperatures and Voltages, Why Do I Need to Doublecheck them by Hand Any More Frequently than Annually?