Lunar Calibration Workshop Activities


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Presentation transcript:

Lunar Calibration Workshop Activities X. Hu (CMA), T. Stone (USGS), X. Wu (NOAA), S. Wagner (EUMETSAT) With the support of B. Fougnie (CNES) T. Hewison (EUMETSAT)

Main topics Four main sessions: Measurements and Moon observations (Scott Hu - CMA) Using the ROLO/GIRO (Tom Stone - USGS) Inter-calibration using the Moon (Sebastien Wagner - EUMETSAT) Alternative methods and applications (Fred Wu - NOAA)

Measurements and Moon observations Focus = measurement/observation campaigns + outcome of those campaigns, with the purpose of improving the lunar calibration reference CMA to present the current status of its data analysis from the 2015-2016 activities. Plans that CMA may have for future activities. Use of CIMEL instruments for Moon irradiance measurement (uncertainties in the lunar calibration reference + possibility to use those data for refinement of the reference) Establish a comprehensive catalogue / description / evaluation of existing data  may also lead to recommendations of which critical information is missing and how to acquire it. General discussion.

Measurements and Moon observations Plans for inviting scientists from NIST, Chinese institutes, ESA Hyperspectral observation from space: SCIAMACHY GOME-2 HYPERION ? Contact JAXA for ground-based measurements Template/questionnaire will be provided to data owners to provide information about the datasets ⇒ provided by end of April for review ⇒ distribution by end of May (?)

Practical application of the GIRO/ROLO model Accuracy of irradiance measurements from lunar images Each user to discuss : oversampling: evaluation method and uncertainty dark level: evaluation method and uncertainty selection of Moon pixels sensor sensitivity to polarization inter-band comparisons  Template will be provided to participant (same timescale than the dataset template) New developments of the GIRO/ROLO model increasing the spectral resolution to accommodate spectrometer instruments tied to the solar spectrum, and its line structure requires a reference solar spectrum (presentation 8r)

Practical application of the GIRO/ROLO model New developments of the GIRO/ROLO model (cont.) new specification of the lunar reflectance spectrum to account for different reflectance characteristics of light and dark areas on the Moon — tied to the librations potential to use SCIAMACHY data to develop an empirical add-on recent efforts on correction to ROLO e.g. CNES, using PLEIADES data for phase correction Update on benchmarking tool/dataset (presentation 8i) users of the benchmark to present on results dependent on having the benchmark available

Inter-calibration Algorithm presented by EUMETSAT could be implemented and tested against VIIRS  see presentation at the 2017 GSICS annual meeting: (presentation 8f) Alternative approaches? Participants to report… Inter-band calibration? TBC which session…

Alternative methods and applications Radiometric calibration using lunar radiance Quantification of Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) using lunar image Detection of ghosting and crosstalk. Radiometric calibration in IR and MW spectrum. Inter-channel calibration. Proba-V (Stephan Adriaensen / Marc Bouvet) Correction of VIIRS DNB SRF (Jack Xiong) Use of IR hyperspectral measurements (IASI – CNES?)  Call for contribution will be made

Clearly, format for 2nd workshop different from 1st workshop Conclusions Clearly, format for 2nd workshop different from 1st workshop Attempt to have common practical work in preparation of the workshop to limit as much as possible the mini-conf format.