Process for Transfer of Function to Therapy Support Worker Page 1 OT/PT Department Group Direct Time Process for Transfer of Function to Therapy Support Worker Points to emphasize with family/guardian: TSW is not a therapist TSW works with the child under the supervision of the therapist TSW is not responsible for setting goals or developing activities – these are done with the guidance of the supervising therapist TSW is not qualified to assess skills or provide information about a child’s diagnosis, progress or prognosis Therapist identifies a client who would benefit from a group being organized and supported by the Therapy Support Worker (TSW). Therapist discusses the group, and the role of the TSW with the family /guardian, and assesses their interest in having their child attend the group. If the family/guardian is interested in having their child attend, the child is put on the TSW program waitlist, using the Internal Referral form. In Comments section, mention the Group name Receptionist adds client name to TSW program waitlist Groups and participants are discussed At the monthly Department meetings Source: OSNS Child Development Centre, 2009; Reviewed/Adapted by Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children, 2018
Prior to Start of the Group Documentation Upon Completion of Group Group Direct Time Process for Transfer of Function to Therapy Support Worker Page 2 Prior to Start of the Group Therapist discusses the child with TSW in order to describe skill level and behaviours to watch for. Throughout the group, the therapist is available for discussion about observations of the child and to communicate with the family if necessary. Therapist completes and signs Review of Competency Form and files this in client’s file. Documentation Therapist Therapy Support Worker (TSW) Therapist moves client from Monitoring to Active, if not already in the Active program TSW provides names of group participants to Receptionist to enter for documentation. Therapist revises Needs Assessment to reflect the goals being targeted by the group. TSW moves client from Therapy Support Waitlist to Therapy Support OT/PT program. TSW documents child’s attendance and documents observations made during the group on Progress forms (see sample below) Therapist documents: 1) clients will be attending the group 2) transfer of function is complete. Upon Completion of Group Therapist discusses with family the observations made during the group and the plan for future intervention, and documents this in progress/ case notes TSW provides input into Group Summary Report for individual clients written by therapist overseeing the group. TSW discharges client from Therapy Support OT/PT program, and files her casenotes, and the client’s Progress forms in the main file. Therapist completes Needs Assessment to reflect change/ progress, and the future focus of intervention Therapist moves client to Monitoring if that is appropriate TSW provides Receptionist with pre/post data to enter into Groups database Source: OSNS Child Development Centre, 2009; Reviewed/Adapted by Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children, 2018