Student Success Initiative
Shrinking Budget vs. Growing Demand Between 2007 and 2011… Funding for community colleges had been cut $1.5 billion Enrollment had decreased by more than 600,000 students (more students than currently attend all CSU campuses) Demand had soared, with workers seeking retraining, record numbers of high school graduates, veterans returning and students being shut out from UC and CSU info from the State Chancellor’s Office
Need for policies and practices that ensure student success Recession substantially reduced resources. 47% of students cannot enroll in needed classes, compared to 28% nationwide Low completion rates. Of the 77% of students who begin below transfer-level, only 41% ever achieve a certificate, degree, or transfer preparation If we are forced to ration education, shouldn’t we do it rationally? Copied from the State Chancellor’s Office
Student Success Task Force In January 2011, the California Community Colleges Board of Governors established the Student Success Task Force Task Force Goal: Examine best practices and models for accomplishing student success and present recommendations Re-think how we serve student needs Task Force Composition: 20 members from diverse internal and external stakeholders groups Copied from the State Chancellor’s Office
Re-thinking How We Serve Students to Promote Success for All Improving communication to students on college expectations and strategies for student success in college Early career and education goal planning – exploration of career interests (pre-application, pre-enrollment, and post-enrollment) Declaring program of study and creating student education plan (initial & comprehensive) Strengthen links with community groups and other partners: K-12, local workforce agencies, etc. Copied from the State Chancellor’s Office
Key Provisions Mandates assessment, orientation and educational planning Requires student to declare a course of study Targets student support services funding model Sets minimum academic standards for financial aid Establishes Student Success Scorecard at all colleges Copied from the state Chancellor’s Office
Other Approaches to Incentivize and Support Goal Completion Statewide enrollment priorities that reward students for use of services and academic progress More creative approach to service delivery to improve effectiveness and efficiency Integrating institutional student success and student equity planning to address achievement gaps Copied from the State Chancellor’s Office
Eight Areas of Focus Increase college and career readiness Strengthen support for entering students Incentivize successful student behaviors Align course offerings to meet student needs Improve education of basic skills students Revitalize and re-envision professional development Enable efficient statewide leadership and increase coordination among colleges Align resources with student success recommendations Copied from the State Chancellor’s Office
Student Success Scorecard Builds on previous accountability system and continues to measure “high-order” outcomes: Degree, Certificate, Transfer Also measures “momentum points” Focuses on institutional progress, rather than comparison with other colleges Expands populations measured Data broken down by race, ethnicity, gender, age group, and level of college preparation Copied from the State Chancellor’s Office
Statewide tab 29 Copied from the State Chancellor’s Office
Student Success Scorecard homepage http://scorecard. cccco Copied from the State Chancellor’s Office
Salary Surfer Provides aggregate earnings 2 &5 yrs after earned degree or certificate in various disciplines This tool also provides information on which colleges offer programs in those specific disciplines.