JES Resolution Analysis specific Generic larger issues.


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Presentation transcript:

JES Resolution Analysis specific Generic larger issues

Asymmetric Errors 0-100 160-500 100-160

JES Resolution [Asymmetry] This is potentially nasty. 0.5 1.0 This plot is done on all data. No efficient jet cut.

Asymmetry 40-60 80-100 100-160 60-80 Note: Asymmetry can be 1.0 – 1.5.

Asymmetry Variable A A x - 1

How Can This Be? Key: Jet [Area ~ Pt] Track connected to PV Track not connected to PV Track connected to 2VTX RECO Muon corrJCCB JCCB: 3 jets, two balancing and a small one corrJCCB: 2 jets, one large and one small Basically one real jet failed jet quality cuts Redo insisting #JCCB = #corrJCCB = 2 JCCB

Improved Cuts 40-60 y = N exp(Ax3 + Bx2 + Cx): c2/dof = 11/19 = 0.58 Gaussian: c2/dof = 13.9/20 = 0.70 Improved Cuts 60-80 Asymmetry no longer a problem Y = N exp(Ax3 + Bx2 + Cx): c2/dof = 10/21 = 0.48 Gaussian: c2/dof = 19.1/21 = 0.91

JES v5.3 Energy Resolution (Fixed)

JES v5.3 Energy Resolution [Jet QC fixed] OLD JES v5.3 Energy Resolution [Jet QC fixed] NEW Visible improvement.

New and Improved ds/dpt ~Final answer! Remaining issues: 90-100 GeV point. JT25, guessed threshold Residual JES issues. (see next) D0Note in preparation. Final to QCD and/or EB imminent. On to 2VTX land.

JES v5.3 STD JES 5.3 gives a 3.8% offset for m-tagged jets. It is independent of Pt (75-250 GeV). Maybe higher above that. Need to rebin and revisit the idea that the muon Pt may be mis-measured. Same plot when scaling the m-tagged jets by 3.8%.