USING MEDIA HUMANLY Sr. Helena Burns, fsp Pauline Books & Media Daughters of St. Paul 3022 Dufferin St. Toronto, ON M6B 3T5 FB: Sister Helena Burns Twitter, Instagram: @SrHelenaBurns
Canticle of Praise for the Media We thank you, Lord God, for the unending Pentecost of Your creative Holy Spirit, which enables Your sons and daughters to be afire with Your Truth, Beauty and Goodness. May the blind see, the deaf hear, and the poor receive justice through the proclamation of the Good News through today’s media. Amen. --Blessed James Alberione, SSP
We choose how we use.
“Using Media Like a Saint” Using Media Humanly “Using Media Like a Saint”
Using Media Humanly “While these drawbacks are real, they do not justify rejecting social media; rather they remind us that communication is ultimately a HUMAN rather than a technological achievement.” --Pope Francis, World Communications Day 2014
Using Media Humanly --The first media evangelization people receive from us is how we use media PERSONALLY. --The way we use media personally will speak the Gospel (or not) louder than the way we use it PROFESSIONALLY.
3 1. liturgy, Mass 2. family table, meals 3. married couples’ bedrooms How would you describe God in one word? LOVE. (3 Persons loving each other perfectly.) Is God the source of all LOVE? Is God the source of all LIFE? God’s love IS life and God’s life IS love. You can’t separate LOVE and LIFE. Do we share in God’s LOVE and LIFE? (diff ways? image, baptism, sex) Did God invent sex? He couldn’t be all that bad, then, right? That’s the kind of God we have. WHY DID GOD CREATE US? WHAT IS THE PURPOSE/MEANING OF LIFE? “To know, love, serve God and to be HAPPY WITH HIM HERE ON EARTH AND IN HEAVEN.” (Not just in HEAVEN!) What is SEX FOR? (love between husband and wife / children / 3rd???) Sex is meant to be a foretaste of the bliss of heaven. Did you know that? That’s why it has to be within MARRIAGE—because God’s love is faithful. He doesn’t love us and dump us. When we have sex with someone, our bodies are saying: LOVE AND LIFE WITH YOU FOREVER. This is called the LANGUAGE OF THE BODY. (Science: chemicals in our brains that bond us—that’s why break-up is so hard when people have had sex with each other, and teens brains/bodies can’t handle: suicide). “YOU!” exhibit at Museum of Science and Industry.
Using Media Humanly 3 places we DON’T need SCREENS: Mass, Meals, Master Bedrooms We DO need FAMILY MEALS The same Holy Spirit that tells us to say YES tells us to say NO “Maybe we can use social media better by starting to use it a little LESS” –-a teen QUALITY not quantity What are our highest PRIORITIES in life? How are we HONORING them?
How can you be in a relationship with someone who's already in a relationship with their phone?
A short history of the digital revolution 1. personal computers & desktop publishing 2. "digital" technology=reproductions without loss of quality 3. "text" internet (tethered to a computer) 4. search engines (the world at your fingertips) 5. perfected delivery of graphics, video & audio over internet 6. Wi-Fi (untethered internet access on computers) 7. smartphones (untethered internet access on cellphones) 8. social media (instantaneous sharing of media, thoughts, reactions, activities, creations via text, graphics, photos, videos, streaming) 9. people addicted to devices 24/7--almost as an appendage 10. young people's drastic loss of reading, writing & verbal literacy skills in actual reality--in favor of digital communication in virtual reality 11. a return to a “feeling” visual culture
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