Transition from Foundation Stage 2 to Key Stage One


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Presentation transcript:

Transition from Foundation Stage 2 to Key Stage One 2019

Where are the classrooms in Key Stage 1? Key Stage 1(KS1) classrooms are located around Toad Hall Children will now use the Key Stage 1 toilets and playground Main hall will be Toad Hall In September, there will be 2 Year 1 classes and 3 Year 2 classes. Where are the classrooms in Key Stage 1?

What does a typical day look like in Key Stage 1?

How often should my child be reading in Key Stage 1? In Year 1 and 2 it is expected that children read a minimum of 5 times a week Reading needs to be recorded in their reading record books The children will usually read with an adult in school twice a week How often should my child be reading in Key Stage 1?

How can I support independence in KS1? Children should come in to the classroom unaccompanied. Willow Class’s cloakroom is in the corridor outside their classroom. Cedar class’s cloakroom is in Toad Hall. Please only send your child with what they need and preferably no big bags unless needed. Reading books and reading record books should be kept separate from water bottles in case there is a leak. How can I support independence in KS1?

What are the expectations in Key Stage 1? Spellings will be sent home to practise at the start of each term. Spellings will be practised in class and tested informally on a Friday. Children will read at home a minimum of five times a week Termly homework will be completed on time Children will complete the ‘MyMaths’ task set online What are the expectations in Key Stage 1?

How can I help my child to be healthy at school? Break time snacks are provided in Key Stage 1 If you would like your child to bring a snack from home, please put it into a labelled container. Your child will then put this on the packed lunch trolley until break time Snacks must be fruit or vegetables or one labelled “1 of your 5 a day.” School lunches are free in Key Stage 1 and can be ordered at home or in school

What does Outdoor Learning look like in Key Stage 1? This will take place in the afternoon, once a week We will build on the learning from the Foundation Stage Children will need all weather outdoor clothing and boots- we have limited spares, especially of boots What does Outdoor Learning look like in Key Stage 1?

What does home learning look like in Key Stage 1? Home learning is given out every term It consists of a choice of different tasks for the children to complete As well as this, there will be a maths activity on the ‘MyMaths’ website All children are expected to complete home learning Home learning is shared in the class and the children receive peer and teacher feedback House points are awarded for effort and the number given is decided by the teacher What does home learning look like in Key Stage 1?

How will my child be supported in Key Stage 1? Children with SAP’s will have their targets continue into Key Stage 1. Transition may include extra visits to their new teacher and area and a transition book TA led interventions in the afternoons for phonics How will my child be supported in Key Stage 1?

How can I help my child at home? Listen to your child read and ask them questions Practise everyday Maths with them as well as helping them to practise written methods Talk to them about their school day Check bags for letters Help them to remember PE kits and reading records. PE kits should be brought into school on a Monday and taken home on a Friday. How can I help my child at home?

Are there any questions?