Should gay and lesbian Americans be included in the school curriculum? A Silent Conversation Should gay and lesbian Americans be included in the school curriculum?
Day of Silence Activity Read the Chronicle article, “Battle over bill to include gays, lesbians in school curriculum.” Sit with a partner. Put a piece of paper between the two of you, and pass it back and forth, writing down your thoughts. Have a silent conversation about the following questions:
Have any of your classes made references to contributions made by bisexuals, gays, lesbians and transsexual (LGBT) individuals? Have you discussed discrimination or the civil rights of LGBT Americans in any of your classes in the New Haven schools? If so in which classes?
Do you support or oppose Senator Mark Leno’s bill for the inclusion of LGBT Americans into social science curriculum? Why or why not?
Do you think that including discussions of LGBT issues in the curriculum will serve as an antidote to bullying in schools of gay youth? Why or why not?
Do you think that discussing LGBT issues in schools violates the religious freedom of parents and students who oppose homosexuality?
If you support Mr. Leno’s proposal, at what age do you think that LBGT issues should be introduced into classrooms? What types of activities would be most appropriate for different age groups?
Share Your Ideas Thanks for participating in our silent conversation. If you have a favorite idea, or a “golden line” that you wrote, share it on the board for others to read.
Have a nice weekend and GO SENIORS!