LDV Real Driving Emissions: - Assessment of data evaluation methods for RDE - RDE Task Force Meeting, 16th December 2013, Brussels Theodoros Vlachos, Martin Weiss, Pierre Bonnel - European Commission DG - Joint Research Centre (JRC) - IET - Institute for Energy and Transport
Objectives Proposal of a comparison among data evaluation methods V001 NOx Emissions: U/R/M Emissions Valid trips only. Solid black line is referred to the mean value of emission measured during the trip as it is listed at TEST REPORT worksheet of EMROAD. Dashed black line is like the solid one, but no data exclusions for warm up and DPF RGN were applied on the trips. Blue line is referred to results obtained by EMROAD independently the severity category (all: Soft, Severe and Normal MAW are used for calculations). Red Line is EMROAD results referred to normal MAW only. Green curve is representing weighted emissions computed by CLEAR. All the results are considering all vehicle speed bins: Urban, Rural, Motorway. A description of the emissions during each of the bins is presented at the following slides. CLEAR 1.5 EMROAD v5.7
Outline Assessment Criteria Summary of analysis to be conducted per criterion Results
Outline Assessment Criteria Summary of analysis to be conducted per criterion Results
Assessment criteria (1/1) ROBUSTNESS: Ability to evaluate testing conditions (trip) Data coverage Ability to assess RDE performance Ability to assess RDE performance under specific testing conditions Robustness against uncertainties of data acquisition and data evaluation Technological neutrality PRACTICABILITY: PEMS testing effort Availability and accuracy/reliability of input parameters Simplicity of calculation steps Possibility for independent RDE testing Flexibility to be adapted to future emissions legislation
Outline Assessment Criteria Proposed analysis per assessment criterion Results
Robustness Analysis (1/2) Analysis and results required from the different tools: Assessment Criterion Analysis ROBUSTNESS A. Ability to evaluate testing conditions (trip) Generic trip characteristics (all methods) B. Data coverage Results from indicators (method specific or not) C. Ability to assess RDE performance Total emissions [g/km] with and without data exclusion for all tests: I. Taking into account all driving conditions (normal, severe, soft) II. For normal driving only D. Ability to assess RDE performance under specific testing conditions For normal driving only (for all tests): I. Average emissions [g/km] for U/R/M, separately, with and without data exclusion II. Distance weighted emissions [g/km] with and without data exclusion
Robustness Analysis (2/2) Analysis and results required from the different tools: Assessment Criterion Analysis ROBUSTNESS E. Robustness against uncertainties of data acquisition and data evaluation Case studies Data uncertainties: Sensitivity studies Robustness of data evaluation 1: Performance of the RDE method for specific testing situations Roundtrip clockwise and counterclockwise driving Aggressive versus soft or normal driving style Aggressive driving during part of a test Robustness of data evaluation 2: Sensitivity of the RDE method to their design parameters F. Technology neutrality Description of the principles envisaged to adapt the methods to hybrid powertrains and alternative fuels (Discussion) Implications in terms of testing (Parameters and quality required) (Possibly) case studies with results (as for criteria A, B, C, D)
Outline Assessment Criteria Summary of analysis to be conducted per criterion Results Data coverage Ability to assess RDE performance Ability to assess RDE performance under specific testing conditions
Presentation Results Analysis and results required from the different tools: Assessment Criterion Analysis ROBUSTNESS A. Ability to evaluate testing conditions (trip) Generic trip characteristics (all methods) B. Data coverage Results from indicators (method specific or not) C. Ability to assess RDE performance Total emissions [g/km] with and without data exclusion for all tests: I. Taking into account all driving conditions (normal, severe, soft) II. For normal driving only D. Ability to assess RDE performance under specific testing conditions For normal driving only (for all tests): I. Average emissions [g/km] for U/R/M, separately, with and without data exclusion II. Distance weighted emissions [g/km] with and without data exclusion
Outline Assessment Criteria Summary of analysis to be conducted per criterion Results Data coverage Ability to assess RDE performance Ability to assess RDE performance under specific testing conditions
Data Coverage (EMROAD) (1/1) MAW Share vs. Vehicle Speed (EMROAD): Share of Normal MAW (V001) SCM#1, SCM#2, ROUTE#1-AGG route do not show a sufficient number of MAW (10%) for all speed bins (Urban, Rural and Motorway) => NOT VALID trips => to be COMPLEMENTED EMROAD v5.7
Data Coverage (CLEAR) (1/5) Time Share vs. Power (CLEAR): ROM#2, ROM#3, SCM#1 and SCM#2 routes show a time share vs. power distribution outside of WLTP region for at east one vehicle speed bin (Urban, Rural, Motorway) => NOT VALID trips => to be COMPLEMENTED WLTP region is defined on the basis of WLTP target time share and the Deviation Factor.
Data Coverage (CLEAR) (2/5) Time Share vs. Power (CLEAR) – ROM#2: CLEAR v1.5 Time Share vs. Power: U/R/M (V001) Time Share vs. Power: Urban (V001) Time Share vs. Power: Rural (V001) Time Share vs. Power: Motorway (V001) Time share [%] of power bin P=67.5-84 kW is outside the region (0.000%, minimum WLTP region=0.011%), for Rural driving.
Data Coverage (CLEAR) (3/5) Time Share vs. Power (CLEAR) – ROM#3: CLEAR v1.5 Time Share vs. Power: U/R/M (V001) Time Share vs. Power: Urban (V001) Time Share vs. Power: Rural (V001) Time Share vs. Power: Motorway (V001) Time share [%] of power bins P=51-67.5 kW and P=67.5-84 kW are outside the region for Urban and Rural driving respectively.
Data Coverage (CLEAR) (4/5) Time Share vs. Power (CLEAR) – SCM#1: CLEAR v1.5 Time Share vs. Power: U/R/M (V001) Time Share vs. Power: Urban (V001) Time Share vs. Power: Rural (V001) Time Share vs. Power: Motorway (V001) Time share [%] of power bins P=51-67.5 kW and P=67.5-84 kW are outside the region for Urban and Rural driving respectively. During Motorway driving all power bins are outside the region.
Data Coverage (CLEAR) (5/5) Time Share vs. Power (CLEAR) – SCM#2: CLEAR v1.5 Time Share vs. Power: U/R/M (V001) Time Share vs. Power: Urban (V001) Time Share vs. Power: Rural (V001) Time Share vs. Power: Motorway (V001) Time share [%] of power bins P=35-84 kW are outside the region for Urban and Rural driving respectively. During Motorway driving all power bins are outside the region.
Outline Assessment Criteria Summary of analysis to be conducted per criterion Results Data coverage Ability to assess RDE performance Routes Comparison and driving style comparison Ability to assess RDE performance under specific testing conditions We provide a sereis of presentations with the totality of the results for the three vehicles, but for sake of brevity I will focus on soe of these
Outline Assessment Criteria Summary of analysis to be conducted per criterion Results Data coverage Ability to assess RDE performance Routes Comparison and driving style comparison Ability to assess RDE performance under specific testing conditions We provide a sereis of presentations with the totality of the results for the three vehicles, but for sake of brevity I will focus on soe of these
C.RDE Performance (1/2) NOx Emission results U/R/M (CLEAR and EMROAD): EMROAD v5.7 V001 NOx Emissions: U/R/M Emissions Valid trips only. Solid black line is referred to the mean value of emission measured during the trip as it is listed at TEST REPORT worksheet of EMROAD. Dashed black line is like the solid one, but no data exclusions for warm up and DPF RGN were applied on the trips. Blue line is referred to results obtained by EMROAD independently the severity category (all: Soft, Severe and Normal MAW are used for calculations). Red Line is EMROAD results referred to normal MAW only. Green curve is representing weighted emissions computed by CLEAR. All the results are considering all vehicle speed bins: Urban, Rural, Motorway. A description of the emissions during each of the bins is presented at the following slides. Valid Trips only.
C.RDE Performance (2/2) CO2 Emission results U/R/M (CLEAR and EMROAD): EMROAD v5.7 V001 CO2 Emissions: U/R/M Emissions Valid trips only. Solid black line is referred to the mean value of emission measured during the trip as it is listed at TEST REPORT worksheet of EMROAD. Dashed black line is like the solid one, but no data exclusions for warm up and DPF RGN were applied on the trips. Blue line is referred to results obtained by EMROAD independently the severity category (all: Soft, Severe and Normal MAW are used for calculations). Red Line is EMROAD results referred to normal MAW only. Green curve is representing weighted emissions computed by CLEAR. All the results are considering all vehicle speed bins: Urban, Rural, Motorway. A description of the emissions during each of the bins is presented at the following slides. Valid Trips only.
Outline Assessment Criteria Summary of analysis to be conducted per criterion Results Data coverage Ability to assess RDE performance Ability to assess RDE performance under specific testing conditions Routes Comparison and driving style comparison We provide a sereis of presentations with the totality of the results for the three vehicles, but for sake of brevity I will focus on soe of these
Outline Assessment Criteria Summary of analysis to be conducted per criterion Results Data coverage Ability to assess RDE performance Ability to assess RDE performance under specific testing conditions Routes Comparison and driving style comparison We provide a sereis of presentations with the totality of the results for the three vehicles, but for sake of brevity I will focus on soe of these
D.RDE Performance: Urban (1/2) NOx Emission results Urban Driving (CLEAR and EMROAD): CLEAR 1.5 EMROAD v5.7 V001 NOx Emissions: Urban Emissions Valid trips only. Solid black line is referred to the mean value of emission measured during URBAN portion of the trip (veh. Speed limits: v>=2km/h, v<45km/h). Dashed black line is like the solid one, but no data exclusions for warm up and DPF RGN were applied on the trips. Blue line is referred to results obtained by EMROAD independently the severity category (all: Soft, Severe and Normal MAW are used for calculations) during URBAN driving. Red Line is EMROAD results referred to URBAN normal MAW only. Green curve is representing URBAN weighted emissions computed by CLEAR. Valid Trips only.
D.RDE Performance: Urban (2/2) CO2 Emission results Urban Driving (CLEAR and EMROAD): CLEAR 1.5 EMROAD v5.7 V001 CO2 Emissions: Urban Emissions Valid trips only. Solid black line is referred to the mean value of emission measured during URBAN portion of the trip (veh. Speed limits: v>=2km/h, v<45km/h). Dashed black line is like the solid one, but no data exclusions for warm up and DPF RGN were applied on the trips. Blue line is referred to results obtained by EMROAD independently the severity category (all: Soft, Severe and Normal MAW are used for calculations) during URBAN driving. Red Line is EMROAD results referred to URBAN normal MAW only. Green curve is representing URBAN weighted emissions computed by CLEAR. Valid Trips only.
D.RDE Performance: Rural (1/2) NOx Emission results Rural Driving (CLEAR and EMROAD): CLEAR 1.5 EMROAD v5.7 V001 NOx Emissions: Rural Emissions Valid trips only. Solid black line is referred to the mean value of emission measured during RURAL portion of the trip (veh. Speed limits: v>=45km/h, v<80km/h). Dashed black line is like the solid one, but no data exclusions for warm up and DPF RGN were applied on the trips. Blue line is referred to results obtained by EMROAD independently the severity category (all: Soft, Severe and Normal MAW are used for calculations) during RURAL driving. Red Line is EMROAD results referred to RURAL normal MAW only. Green curve is representing RURAL weighted emissions computed by CLEAR. Valid Trips only.
D.RDE Performance: Rural (2/2) CO2 Emission results Rural Driving (CLEAR and EMROAD): CLEAR 1.5 EMROAD v5.7 V001 CO2 Emissions: Rural Emissions Valid trips only. Solid black line is referred to the mean value of emission measured during RURAL portion of the trip (veh. Speed limits: v>=45km/h, v<80km/h). Dashed black line is like the solid one, but no data exclusions for warm up and DPF RGN were applied on the trips. Blue line is referred to results obtained by EMROAD independently the severity category (all: Soft, Severe and Normal MAW are used for calculations) during RURAL driving. Red Line is EMROAD results referred to RURAL normal MAW only. Green curve is representing RURAL weighted emissions computed by CLEAR. Valid Trips only.
D.RDE Performance: M.way (1/2) NOx Emission results Motorway Driving (CLEAR and EMROAD): CLEAR 1.5 EMROAD v5.7 V001 NOx Emissions: Motorway Emissions Valid trips only. Solid black line is referred to the mean value of emission measured during MOTORWAY portion of the trip (veh. Speed limits: v>=80km/h, v<200km/h). Dashed black line is like the solid one, but no data exclusions for warm up and DPF RGN were applied on the trips. Blue line is referred to results obtained by EMROAD independently the severity category (all: Soft, Severe and Normal MAW are used for calculations) during MOTORWAY driving. Red Line is EMROAD results referred to MOTORWAY normal MAW only. Green curve is representing MOTORWAY weighted emissions computed by CLEAR. Valid Trips only.
D.RDE Performance: M.way (2/2) CO2 Emission results Motorway Driving (CLEAR and EMROAD): CLEAR 1.5 EMROAD v5.7 V001 CO2 Emissions: Motorway Emissions Valid trips only. Solid black line is referred to the mean value of emission measured during MOTORWAY portion of the trip (veh. Speed limits: v>=80km/h, v<200km/h). Dashed black line is like the solid one, but no data exclusions for warm up and DPF RGN were applied on the trips. Blue line is referred to results obtained by EMROAD independently the severity category (all: Soft, Severe and Normal MAW are used for calculations) during MOTORWAY driving. Red Line is EMROAD results referred to MOTORWAY normal MAW only. Green curve is representing MOTORWAY weighted emissions computed by CLEAR. Valid Trips only.
D.RDE Performance:1/3Mix (1/2) NOx Emission results (U+R+M)/3 (CLEAR and EMROAD): CLEAR 1.5 EMROAD v5.7 V001 NOx Emissions: Motorway Emissions Valid trips only. Solid black line is referred to the mean value of emission measured as average of U/R/M driving. Dashed black line is like the solid one, but no data exclusions for warm up and DPF RGN were applied on the trips. Blue line is referred to weighted results obtained by EMROAD independently the severity category (all: Soft, Severe and Normal MAW are used for calculations). Red Line is EMROAD results referred to normal MAW only. Green curve is representing (U+R+M)/3 weighted emissions withCLEAR. Valid Trips only.
D.RDE Performance:1/3Mix(2/2) CO2 Emission results (U+R+M)/3 (CLEAR and EMROAD): CLEAR 1.5 EMROAD v5.7 V001 CO2 Emissions: Motorway Emissions Valid trips only. Solid black line is referred to the mean value of emission measured as average of U/R/M driving. Dashed black line is like the solid one, but no data exclusions for warm up and DPF RGN were applied on the trips. Blue line is referred to weighted results obtained by EMROAD independently the severity category (all: Soft, Severe and Normal MAW are used for calculations). Red Line is EMROAD results referred to normal MAW only. Green curve is representing (U+R+M)/3 weighted emissions withCLEAR. Valid Trips only.
For further information, please contact: Theodoros Vlachos – EC JRC – theodoros.vlachos@jrc.ec.europa.eu Pierre Bonnel – EC JRC – pierre.bonnel@jrc.ec.europa.eu
LDV Real Driving Emissions: - Assessment of data evaluation methods for RDE - RDE Task Force Meeting, 16th December 2013, Brussels Theodoros Vlachos, Martin Weiss, Pierre Bonnel - European Commission DG - Joint Research Centre (JRC) - IET - Institute for Energy and Transport