Containerization & AWS Migration Services Fortune 500 Insurance Company Business problem Application Run time requirements A Fortune 75 insurance company needed to increase agility and reduce time to market for application development to maximize market share and revenue opportunity. To achieve this, they required AWS architectural and development expertise to plan and design for application evolution and migration, driven by: Executive direction to accelerate workloads into the public cloud Need for a more agile dev. environment, leveraging containers (Docker) Requirement to consolidate tools & processes across business markets Requirement to reduce Day 2 initiatives in line with automated provisioning process Docker Inc Containers DynamoDB/Cloudant/Mongo RDS Inventory, support & security functionality CloudWatch Elastic Search Cloudtrail IAM Project overview GreenPages worked with the client to build a prototype to evaluate technology fits, provide a staging environment to migrate and test sample applications, and deliver a launch platform to iteratively arrive at the target state via an agile framework. The prototype included: Buildout of a highly available cloud infrastructure environment inclusive of Management, Monitoring, and SLA metrics Public Cloud Security and Access Controls Migration and re-hosting of application components to target environment Infrastructure developer Code Pipeline/Code Deploy/Code Commit Chef/OPSWorks AMI