Institute of Economics and Management University of Economy Institute of Economics and Management Garbary 2, 85-229 Bydgoszcz room E 005 52 567 00 33
Employees and contact Prorector for Organisation and Branches – Director of the Institute of Economics WSG doc. dr Mariusz Barczak, tel.: 52 567 07 70 Deputy director of the Institute of Economics WSG dr Kamila Kaczmarczyk, tel.: 52 567 07 71 Head of Department of Logistics and Management mgr inż. Adam Domaradzki, tel.: 52 567 07 71
Employees and contact Expert for the quality of studies doc. dr Ilona Urbanyi-Popiołek Deputy Dean of Collegium of Socio-Economic Sciences doc. Stanisław Krause Office of the Institute of Economics and Management Patrycja Rataj
Pracownicy i kontakt Coordinator IEiZ WSG Katarzyna Wakarecy Piotr Komorowski Iryna Spoda
Institute of Economics and Management -Working Hours Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 11:00 – 15:00 Saturday: 7:00 – 15:00 Sunday: 7:00 – 13:00 In case of urgent matters we are here for you also on Monday and Friday 7:00 – 15:00, and on other days of the week before 11:00. Contact us via e-mail or telephone
Contact the lecturers Missed some classes? Don’t have a grade on isaps? contact the lecturer via email. You will find the list of emails on the board beside the Institute. Remember to include your name, surname, group number and student album number. Don’t wait until the end of the semester!
If you have an individual organisation of studies remember to contact your lecturers at the beginning of the semester The best way of contact is to check the lecturer’s schedule on ISAPS an meet him in person
Institute of Economics - website
Organisation of studies You need to have all grades uploaded to ISAPS by the end of the semester Lack of grades results in additional fees and formalities to complete: -after 1st,3rd and 5th semester 300 zł for permanent examination session -after 2nd, 4th and 6th semester you need to fill in a Declaration of Course Retake and submit it to the Dean’s Office. Otherwise you will be deleted from the list of students. The payment is 60 zł for one ECTS point.
Grading scale Ndst/ Nzal/ brak 2, not passed Zal passed Dst 3, passed Db 4, passed Bdb 5, passed
Organisation of academic year Summer semester 2018/2019 Begins on 25 February and ends on 30 September 18 April – 24 April Easter break 17 June – 28 June examination session 1 July – 5 July retake examination session
How to graduate? Attend diploma consultation classes with your supervisor Make sure that you have all grades uploaded on ISAPS Submit your diploma thesis to the Dean’s office before the end of your last semester. If you fail to do that there is a payment of 200 zł for every month of delay. You will have your diploma exam no sooner than two weeks after submitting documents to the Dean’s office. However, in some situations (ex. health problems, visa prolongation) there is a possibility of setting up the date sooner. Please ask at the Institute.
Diploma exam - questions
Diploma exam
We care about the quality of your classes! The Institute of Economics evaluates the classes by - class visitations - conducting surveys among students All data is availible for you at the Institute.
Thank you for your attention! Institute of Economics and Management