ESS.VIP.SERV Shared Services


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Presentation transcript:

ESS.VIP.SERV Shared Services TF Meeting 14/15 April 2016 Item C1 – Governance / GSBPM mapping Eurostat

Shared Services Governance Needs to cover many aspects (guidelines, templates, service selection, legal, catalogue workflow…) WP1 (guidelines),2 (CoE) and 4 (identification of services) of the ESSnet will deliver a large part of the governance. WP5 will also provide elements relating to open source. ESS bodies provided input to integrate in existing work While the work is split, it will have to be available as a homogenous package

Governance input from ESS Include legal aspects (ownership, responsibilities, support, funding…) Include lifecycle for the development/catalogue Include the formal selection process Include the certification process Aim at covering level 1 GSBPM Use an economic model to select services Rules for use and reuse of OSS Guidelines on how sharing will work

Articulation with CSPA CSPA aims at certifying compliant services SERV will provide certification as ESS level SERV implements CSPA  Define a relationship between ESS SERV certification and UNECE CSPA certification to prevent duplication of work (Item C5)

GSBPM mapping GSBPM coupled with SOA would require organisational changes Organisational changes are out of scope for SERV ESS cannot impose organisation to NSIs Advice or recommendations regarding organisational impact of GSBPM + SERV adoption could be integrated into the SERV "Shared Services governance" SERV perspective : map services of the catalogue to GSBPM level 1