St Teresa’s Catholic Academy Welcome KS2 2019 -2020 – Transition Meeting Wednesday 19th June
Agenda Welcome Structure of Key Stage 2 Key Stage 2 How can you help ? What next ?
KS2 Structure Year 3 Dahl Year 3 and 4 Morpurgo Year 4 Lewis TA 3 mornings Full time TA
How do we decide? Each individual child is considered. We think about: Friendship groups Emotional needs/personal circumstances Academic strengths and next steps Maturity Confidence
Key Stage 2 Greater independence – Lockers, taking responsibility for their own belongings. Uniform Pencil cases Pen licenses Lunches Reading at home Homework expectations Dismissal/ Communication
How can you help? Buy your St T’s pencil case! Tie Shoe Laces Watch Labels – Names on everything please!
What next? Letters Meet the teacher morning - children Meet the teacher evening - parents Parent workshops