Keeping Our Data Secure You Are Our Main Line of Defense
Why Worry About Computer Security? Remember that your personal data is part of what needs to be protected. We are required by law to keep our data secure! Our data is highly valuable and a security breech has to be reported to law enforcement. We need your help!
What You Can Do To Secure Our Data Don't Leave Computers Unsecured Password Protection Using Secure Passwords Sharing Passwords Don't Give People Information Follow The College's Computer Use Policy
Do Not Leave Computers Unattended Security risk – Leaving Your Desk for Just A Minute Without Logging Out Unauthorized Access To The Network Could Have Just Occurred
Passwords! Should be more than seven characters long Mix letters and numerals Use upper-case and lower-case letters Do not create a password that contains a single word that is in the dictionary Use phrases BAD: Your Dog Name: Freckles Easily Guessed or Hacked GOOD: 1LuvCGCC@N1ght Easily remembered and it isn't true (I'm am not a night person) so no one would guess that. Also, this password would be hard to hack.
Sharing Passwords Don't Share Your Password With Anyone Even your co-workers Do not write it down. The first place that someone looks is under the keyboard and on notes around your desk. Be sure someone isn't watching when you type it. The IT Department will never ask you for your password.
Don't Give People Information Be suspicious! Don't tell other people about our network and how to access it. Be aware that the easiest way for people to get information about our network is to ask. Even a little bit of information from you can be put together with other pieces of information from other sources.
The College's Computer Use Policy Take the time to read the computer use policy. Computer Use Policy is Located on the College's Website You are responsible for knowing the rules and following them.
Thank You! Remember that our first line of defense is you when it comes to securing our data. Thank you for your help!