ARE THEY STILL AROUND US? Visit my site: NOVEMBRO 2013 We have all heard about it and may also have worked with a certain type of people. There are many names to be able to socialize in the workplace, but the most popular is "yes-man". What harm can someone like that bring to a corporation, a department or even his "idol" to which he devotes his day (the boss). Historically, I do not know how long this has been happening, but during the 80's and 90's it was a big hit. Sometimes harmless just defending their daily bread the way they knew, but sometimes an unscrupulous executioner and feared by many. Usually attacking quietly, being helpful and "jack of all trades", until they get a boss - yes, I say boss because few leaders would accept such a situation - that gives them space, then they take over the scene. First, they volunteer to do any task, at any time, showing themselves as being able to help the boss also in their particular tasks (preferably at the boss' residence). Then, they start finding a way of commenting on his companions to the boss. Defends those he likes and diminishing the image of their enemies. They work from the shadows and may take a long time to be noticed or discovered. They can be truly harmful to the corporation because they bring the famous "someone told me/rumor has it" from the plant floors and when they really want to "burn" someone, they put a target in your back. This can create a environment within the company as a whole (depending on the audience that they wish to reach). But they may be more shy and be restricted to the department or job sector. Then your fight is just to protect your own for as long as possible. They will praise his companions who are not direct threat and certainly be negative towards the ones that are a lethal threat, competing for the same spot. But they can be a harmless brow nose, doing his monologue without harming anyone. Why has this despicable being surfaced? It has space due to a bad selection and recruitment realized that placed him in the company without the necessary qualification to hold for their abilities? Is it genetic? Are they a reflection of their own leader, who afraid of not being capable enough, either as a professional or as a manager, creates its ally to "investigate" their employees and thus not suffer threat of the base by firing them? Or is it a kind of phobia or protection to "ensure" and not face the harsh world of competitiveness? Well, the advice is to stay as far as possible as you can from this individual. Let them play their role in the way that suit them. Do your job, develop your reputation, improve your skills, be humble, make your personal marketing without trampling others, invest in yourself (do not expect only the company), and even after all that it will not be guaranteed your job security, but it will all be a great differential when it comes to decide who stays and who you can count with when the crisis comes. Do I choose one who gives good results and really will pull it off, or do I pick a brow nose? What do you think? Think about it…. MOTIVATIONAL Visit my site: