Of Mice and Men Critical Essay
Essay Writing Technique When writing this essay I want you to think about the following things: How to structure your essays so that they are in a logical order that promotes your argument. How to introduce and conclude your essay in a meaningful and interesting way. How to write PEE paragraphs that help to develop your argument.
Essay Structure When writing an essay for Nat 5 always try to structure your work so that it includes: An introduction Four or five main paragraphs relating to the question. A conclusion.
The Question Before we put pen to paper there are a few things we need to consider when writing an essay. The most obvious thing is the question. Have a look at the question you are being asked to write about: Choose a novel or short story which has an important relationship between two people, or between a person and a place. Say why the relationship is important and explain what happens to it by the end of the story. Go on to say what you feel about the ending. When you are writing an essay always include the question at the top of your essay.
Question There are two things you need to determine from any question: What is the question asking you to do (ie. What is your essay going to be about)? What are the key words/phrases contained in the question?
Introduction Introductions should include: The title of the text and the author Reference to the question using key words. A brief description of what the novel is about. What you will be discussing in your essay.
Paragraph Plan Say why the relationship is important. Say what happens to it by the end of the story. Give your reactions to the ending.
Why the relationship is important Think about the following questions: What do both George and Lennie get from their relationship. What is important within their relationship. What is their relationship based upon.