AP World History Exam May 2018
What, When, Where? The AP World History Exam features short-answer, document-based, and essay questions that ask students to demonstrate historical content knowledge and thinking skills through written responses. Multiple-choice questions will ask students to use content knowledge to analyze and interpret primary and secondary sources. (AP Central) Please visit the AP World History student page for exam information and exam practice. You will test here, at Cox Mill High School in the first few weeks of May. Arrive well before 7:30 am (this is when testing will BEGIN).
What to do in the days/weeks leading up to the exam… DO NOT CRAM STUDYING INTO THE LAST WEEK BEFORE THE EXAM. There is TOO MUCH information in AP World History to wait to the last minute! Plan out your review schedule NOW…Start at the end of March or beginning of April. Get plenty of sleep, not just the night before, but several nights before. See Harvard’s report on sleep deprivation here. Eat well in the days preceding- no junk food (it inhibits your ability to focus), and eat a decent breakfast, but nothing out of the ordinary. See UCLA’s report on diet and learning here.
What to Bring Layers of clothing- in case the temperature is uncomfortable to you. A snack and water to keep OUTSIDE the room your testing in (not allowed inside). Your brain…well rested and ready to go. Pen AND Pencil Drivers license or student ID.
What NOT to Bring Cellphone or other electronic device (including fitbits and smart watches). These will be collected before the test, so just leave them at home. Blankets or pillows. Papers or books. Valuables, unless your wallet fits in your pocket.
If you have a conflict with the testing date… The AP Board provides a testing date for emergencies or exceptions. In order to take advantage of this you must let CMHS know as far in advance as possible if it is a planned absence. It is best to take the exam on the original test date. The make up exam is an entirely different test.