Kinematics Terms and Questions What measures must be known to… Make a moving object catch a falling object?
What should my notebook look like? Notebooks are a waste, unless YOU can benefit from using them. The most useful notebook is flexible (in terms of its capacity to organize your work). Your should have sections for: Vocabulary Example problems Lab Reports Returned: HW Labs quizzes
Questions? What questions must we be able to answer to make a moving object catch a dropped object? Which object is easier to study first? Why?
(Your?) Kinematics Questions (so far…) How fast…? How far…? How long…? Where…? When…?
Can we answer any of these for the jeep? Which? How fast…? How far…? How long…? Where…? When…?
“Lab” How fast is the jeep? Your group report should look just like the solution to a word problem. You do not need to write a word problem, you just need to solve the problem, showing five steps.
So, how did we do? What did you calculate for the jeep? How accurate were we? What went wrong? Why? What will prevent the same mistakes in the future?
Speed Trap Two telephone poles are 130 feet apart. Using a stopwatch, take a measurement so you can determine the AVERAGE SPEED for a passing car in m/s and miles/hour. For you REPORT: Write a word problem that includes the measurements in SI units. Make sure you describe the event, and the vehicle. Show all five steps to solve your own word problem. Show the solution in m/s and miles per hour.
How Fast Part II Use the ticker-tape-timer to determine the jeep’s average speed. Stretch yourself, apply some math skills you have used in other applications. Or, play it safe, don’t take a risk. Who needs to grow intellectually, anyway? Hint: check out PCR kinematics lesson 2b.
What is the mathematical relationship between ________ (__) and _______ (__) for the jeep that starts near the origin, and moves away from the origin at a constant speed? What are the simplest two kinematics measurements that will fit this question?
Mathematical Relationship Lab #1 What is the mathematical relationship between position (m) and time (s) for a jeep that starts near the origin, and moves away from the origin at a constant speed? Determine the equation that relates position to time for the jeep (while it is in motion). Explain what the equation means. (what it tells you) Prepare for the PLQ
(Your) Kinematics Questions (after editing) - - when? - - where is (or was) the object? - - how long does (did) motion take? - - how far does object move? - - how far (and which way) is object from where it started? - - how fast is object moving? - - how fast & which way is it moving?
Measurement Names -time - -duration - -position - -distance - -displacement - -speed - -velocity - -Which of these terms relates two other terms?
Distance vs Displacement What is the difference? What is the same? Which measurement matters to a football coach? Which one affects how tired a running back would be at the end of a play? Which one is 1600m when the “mile” is run at a track meet? Which did you use in the lab today?
Time vs Duration What is the difference? What is the same? Which one must be computed if you use a traditional clock? How do you perform that computation? Which one did you use in the lab today?
Distance vs Displacement DISTANCE equals DISPLACEMENT when…. (d = Dx)…. FINAL POSITION equals DISPLACEMENT when… (xf = Dx)….
Terms and Equations -duration - -displacement - -speed (ave) - -velocity (ave) - -acceleration (ave)-
Do you KNOW the Terms? What’s happening if an object has: Constant position? Constant VELOCITY? Constant SPEED? Constant acceleration? Constant position is the same thing as zero: Constant velocity is the same thing as zero:
Do you KNOW the Terms? From a sketch of a position vs time graph OR a velocity vs time graph, you should be able to tell: The direction of motion (positive or negative) If speed is constant, increasing or decreasing Of those things, the only thing an acceleration graph tells is if the speed is constant or changing
What is the cause? Is there a cause of If so, what is the cause? position? velocity? acceleration? If so, what is the cause?
A NET Force The cause of acceleration The result of adding all the forces acting on an object A vector, and the acceleration it causes is in the same direction