Customs administration in the Customs Union and the Common Economic Space Prospects for further development Eurasian Economic Commission Department of Customs Legislation and Law Enforcement Practice
The Customs Regulation Segment in Eurasian Economic Commission Member of the Board – Minister for customs cooperation Vladimir Goshin (The Republic of Belarus) Member of the Board – Minister for customs cooperation Vladimir Goshin (The Republic of Belarus) Secretariat of the Member of the Board – Minister for customs cooperation Secretariat of the Member of the Board – Minister for customs cooperation - Customs Legislation - Customs Operations and Customs Control - Customs Payments, Customs Value and Country of Origin - Classification of Goods - Advanced Customs Technologies - Risk analysis and Post-Release Control - Customs Legislation - Customs Operations and Customs Control - Customs Payments, Customs Value and Country of Origin - Classification of Goods - Advanced Customs Technologies - Risk analysis and Post-Release Control - Customs Infrastructure Development - Customs Information Technologies - Integration of Customs Authorities Information Systems -Automation of Control, Risk Management and Analysis - Customs Infrastructure Development - Customs Information Technologies - Integration of Customs Authorities Information Systems -Automation of Control, Risk Management and Analysis Divisions Department of Customs Infrastructure Department of Customs Legislation and Law Enforcement Practice
The stages of the controls coordinated types transferring to the external borders of the Customs Union The Russian – Kazakhstan border The Russian – Belorussian border Removal of customs clearance and customs control of goods being in free circulation in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan July 1, 2010 Absence of customs control July 1, 2011 Removal of customs clearance and customs control of goods being in free circulation in the territory of the Republic of Belarus July 1, 2010
Single policy in the field of customs regulation (achievements) Single customs territory Single trade regime with third party countries The allocation of customs duties between the Member States of the Customs Union Customs Union Commodity Classification of Foreign Economic Activity, Common Customs Tariff and other single measures regulating foreign trade The single customs legislation defining the unified customs clearance Absence of the customs control at the internal borders between the Member States of the Customs Union The single rules of country origin and customs valuation of goods High level of realization
The Customs Legislation of the Customs Union The Customs Code of the Customs Union The international agreements concluded on various aspects of customs regulation The decisions of Eurasian economic commission (on the issues defined by the Customs Code or the international Agreements) National legislation of the Member States of the Customs Union
The application of customs procedures Customs examinations The approval of the forms of customs documents and the order of their completion The order of the preliminary information Ensuring the identical classification of goods Ensuring the identical application of customs legislation Commission's jurisdiction (Decisions) The procedure of declaring goods The procedure of control of the customs value
The Current Issues for Realization of the Single Policy in the Customs Regulation Sphere are following: The different amount of obligations made when acceding to international conventions The different levels of IT- development and the electronic document flow. These different levels restrain the expansion of the electronic declaring of goods and cooperation with other government agencies The significant segment of differing national regulations, due to a lack of harmonization of tax, currency and other legislation The existence of bilateral agreements governing bilateral trade of a Member State of the Customs Union with third party countries The lack of harmonization between the Member States of the Customs Union for customs offences and penalties for them in the administrative and criminal legislation
The Amendments to the Customs Code Eliminating of Inaccuracies and loopholes Reducing time limits for customs bodies Extending time limits for businesses Reducing the number of documents required for declaring and transit Replacing paper documents for the data from information systems of state agencies
The Drafts of the International Agreements between the Member States of the Customs Union The agreement on the considerations of application of Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR Carnets The agreement on the procedure of transfer of goods through pipelines and power transmission lines The agreement on the considerations of application of Customs Convention on the A.T.A. Carnet for the Temporary Admission of Goods and Convention on Temporary Admission The agreement on simplifications for importing of goods by individuals The agreement on simplifications associated with the Olympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi Other agreements
Fixing Painful Issues for Businesses Such as: The elimination of the national segment of rules for completing customs declarations The establishment of single rules for classifying controversial goods The simplification of customs operations for temporary imported or exported road vehicles The introduction of preliminary information for other modes of transport Ensuring the unity of common customs processes
The issues concerned with customs value
Key Issues of the Main Directions for Improving Customs Administration until 2015 The priority of electronic documents over paper documents Building the Single Window environment The automatic release of goods Reducing the number of the documents required for customs declaring Improving the system of risk management by the means of the customs and tax reputation of foreign trade operator analyzing Creating the integrated information system for the intergovernmental exchange of data and electronic documents on the base of the integrated informational system of internal and foreign trade
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