Addressing Pollinator Health and Extension’s Role Mary Purcell-Miramontes, USDA-NIFA Institute for Food Production and Sustainability Washington DC
Importance of pollinators Pollinators are responsible for one in every three bites of food we take (if we are eating a balanced diet) Honey bees increase our nation’s crop values each year by more than $15 billion. Approximately ¾ of all native plants in the world require pollination by animals, most often native bees (thousands of species)
Overview Existing NIFA programs supporting pollinator research, extension and education White house memorandum June 2015 Created Pollinator Task Force Outlined a federal strategy Release of strategy May 19th 2015 President’s 2016 budget request for NIFA-AFRI Involvement of extension with pollinator health programs
Pollinator Declines National Academy of Sciences Study (2007) : Status of Pollinators in North America – NASS surveys and estimates of US honey bees 5.9 M in 1947 to 2.6 M in 1996-2004 * Colony Collapse Disorder enters the scene in Fall-2006 Overwintering losses of honey bees (HB) average 30% 2006- 2015 *issues with accuracy of estimates due to changes in survey methods, data not collected 1982-1985
2014-2015 Preliminary Report: Bee-informed Partnership 42.1% of the total number of HB colonies managed over the last year (total annual loss, between April 2014 and April 2015) This represents the second highest annual loss recorded to date.
NIFA’s Role in Addressing Declines CCD Action Plan released in 2007 by CCD Steering Committee (several USDA agencies and EPA) North Central Multi-state Committee on Pollinators develop rapid response group to address CCD and other factors New funding opportunities for research and extension use existing and new funding.
AFRI AFRI Foundational programs (basic research) Two 5 yr AFRI Coordinated Agricultural Projects (approximately $10 Million total): Mainly Honey bees Both were integrated (research and extension) Managed Pollinator CAP Bee Informed Partnership CAP
Other Existing Competitive Programs Funding Pollinator Health Projects Agriculture Food Research Initiative (currently AFRI Foundational Programs) Specialty Crops Research Initiative (SCRI) Crop Protection/Pest Management (CPPM) Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Organic Agriculture Research and Extension (OREI) Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)
AFRI programs with required extension component Critical Agricultural Research and Extension - $200,000 for 3 years AFRI Education and Literacy Initiative (formerly Fellowships Program) - Under-graduate research and extension $300,000 up to 30 students per award/2 years
Specialty Crop Research Initiative $49 Million FY 2015 10% must address pests and disease threats including threats to pollinators All must include research and extension Types of grants CAPs Standard Research & Extension eXtension Communities of Practice Research and Extension Planning Grants
President’s Memorandum: Creating a Federal Strategy to Promote the Health of Honey Bees and Other Pollinators office/2014/06/20/presidential-memorandum-creating- federal-strategy-promote-health-honey-b Created a Pollinator Task Force chaired by Secretary of Agriculture and Administrator of Environmental Protection Agency with heads of 14 federal agencies.
Federal Strategy Includes: Research Action Plan to focus federal efforts on understanding, preventing and recovering from pollinator losses. Public Education Plan: expand public education programs including a coordinated public education campaign to increase public awareness of pollinators and how to protect them. Public-Private Partnerships: Develop public-private partnerships to build on Federal efforts to encourage the protection of pollinators and increase quality and amount of habitat and forage for pollinators.
National Strategy to Promote the Health of Honey Bees and Other Pollinators Released May 19 2015: Expand on research, education and management challenges to restore pollinators to healthy levels Address multiple factors that impact pollinators (e.g., land-use, declining forage, pests and diseases, pesticides, bee breeding bottlenecks)
Overall Goals Reduce overwintering losses of honey bees by no more than 15% within 10 years Increase monarch butterfly populations by 2020 Restore and enhance 7 million acres of pollinator habitat over 5 years
Pollinator Research Action Plan Research, education and outreach plan to carry out overall goals Best Management Practices guidance for federal buildings and natural landscapes Identify public/private partnerships (e.g., land owners, non-profit organizations, agribusiness companies) to leverage resources
President’s Pollinator Health Initiative FY 2016 NIFA will establish a Pollinator Health Initiative under the [AFRI] Food Security Challenge Area and Foundational Program Address biological, environmental and management factors that contribute to wide-scale decline of honey bees and other pollinators Promote problem-solving partnerships between commodity groups, pollination service providers, honey producers and public and private sector researchers
FY 2016 NIFA President’s Budget Proposal Overall increase from $1 FY 2016 NIFA President’s Budget Proposal Overall increase from $1.4 Billion to $1.7 Billion Increase AFRI budget from $325 Million to $450 Million Increase SCRI from $50 to $55 Million Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative from $18 to $20 Million SARE $22 M (no change) Crop Protection/Pest Management $17 M (no change)
Active Involvement of Extension is Critical! Interaction with researchers (e.g., multi-state committees Honey bee, Monarch butterfly Traditional outreach (beekeepers, commodity groups, pest control advisors, applicators, land managers Online presence – eXtension Communities of Practice: Bee Health, Bee CAP and Bee Informed Partnership; IPM Centers, Land-Grant University websites and fact sheets... Participation in stakeholder workshops (e.g., Nutrition and Forage and Varroa Mite Summits)
New North Central Multi-state Committee: Monarch Butterfly Conservation in the Midwest Significant declines over past decade in North America 2014 USFWS petitioned to list as threatened species under Endangered Species Act Rapid response program developed for next 2 years by North Central LGUs – research and extension Habitat management in rural landscapes Improve breeding success Collaborate with US government efforts under Federal Strategy (USGS, USFWS and NRCS)