Valeriia Gurtovaia Toby Bondiskey Tiana Brown LANGUAGE Valeriia Gurtovaia Toby Bondiskey Tiana Brown
The Problem and Why Language barrier is a problem… People can not communicate with each other Prevent from getting a job, home Prevent from visiting different places Prevent from adopting a child
Have you ever felt misunderstood when you speak?
Target Community Northeast of Philadelphia Classes that offer language classes English, Russian, Polish, Spanish, and more Up to thousands of dollars to attend classes
Organizations that offer language classes Vita Education Services offer ESL, Literacy, High School Equivalency Preparation, and Family Literacy programs for adults New World Association (NWA) offers ESL, EL/Civics, GED, ABE classes Welcoming The Stranger an educational nonprofit that offers free classes in English, Computer Skills, and Citizenship Exam Preparation.
Proposed Solution Contact with someone on the state level Use posters, flyers, the Internet, media to aware other people Language Club after school or on the weekend
What have we done so far? Contacted with organizations Received permission to create a club, to put posters Put the posters
What do we still plan to do? Create an after school club Find volunteers to teach languages
Sources Vita Education Services New World Association The Philadelphia School of Languages Welcoming The Stranger Nationalities Service Center