Group 14 Juganu Mantawal Soumya Gayen CS300 Wikipedia Edit Group 14 Juganu Mantawal Soumya Gayen
Content The original article Rote learning A famous use The actual edit
The original article: Machine Learning of Artificial Intelligence Machine learning is a very huge topic, so a general edit on the topic is useless. Several methods in ML discussed: Explanation-Based Learning, Rote Learning, Learning from Instruction, Learning by Deduction, Learning by Analogy, Inductive Learning. Rote learning has no mention as a method of ML in Wikipedia.
Rote Learning A Machine Learning approach to deliver precomputed output to an input. Makes use of memory to store output of a new input If input value set is (x1,x2,x3,…,xn) and computed output is (y1,y2,y3,…,yp), then the pair is stored in memory as ((x1,x2,x3,…,xn)(y1,y2,y3,…,yp)) Significant time savings can be achieved. Many AI programs (as well as more general ones) have used caching very effectively.
Famous use of Rote learning The use of memorisation was implemented by Arthur Samuel’s checkers in 1956. This is widely considered as a milestone in computer science. Checkers master Robert Nealey vs IBM 7094 computer
The Wikipedia edit
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