How to write an Introduction Wednesday 16-9-15
What strategies make up an effective essay introduction? Know what you are about to discuss in your essay—what is your topic question. There are three parts to writing a good introduction…
Part 1: THE BEGINNING An attention-grabbing strategy that engages the reader. Establish the text and author. Identify the topic of the essay.
Part 2: THE BRIDGE A group of sentences that smoothly shift the focus of the writing from the beginning to the MAIN TOPIC of the essay. This gives readers some background or information about the topic you are discussing. Used to ‘bridge’ your audience between your beginning and the main idea of your thesis/contention.
Part 3: THESIS STATEMENT/ CONTENTION Thesis statements/Contentions contain a SUBJECT and OPINION. Needs to be an argument that the essay will explain and prove. (Describes what the essay is about)
Which example is better? WHY? I think that there are four main themes in the book "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. These being benevolence, prejudice, innocence, and most of all, courage. I believe that courage definitely plays a major role as a theme in scenes throughout this novel. For a younger child though, like Scout, courage is most often associated with some type of physical act, which involves danger. It is difficult for younger children to grasp the concept that greater courage is most often required in other aspects of life. Scout learns that the greatest courage can be found in a situation where a person knows that they are going to lose, yet still continues to fight the battle. OR The courage displayed by some of the characters in Harper Lee’s novel ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ displays the characteristics associated with the battle within a person and against others in order to do what is right. The narrator—Scout Finch—initially shows that her understanding of courage is associated with a physical act of bravery, she eventually learns—as does the audience—that the greatest courage can come from a situation where a person knows that they are going to lose, yet still continues to fight. This central theme of the novel is displayed through the actions of several characters during the novel, including: Atticus Finch, Jem Finch and Mrs. Dubose. I think that there are four main themes in the book "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. These being benevolence, prejudice, innocence, and most of all, courage. I believe that courage definitely plays a major role as a theme in scenes throughout this novel. For a younger child though, like Scout, courage is most often associated with some type of physical act, which involves danger. It is difficult for younger children to grasp the concept that greater courage is most often required in other aspects of life. Scout learns that the greatest courage can be found in a situation where a person knows that they are going to lose, yet still continues to fight the battle.
Essay Planning/ Writing… When writing an analytical or expository essay on a text you are aiming to show that you: Can analyse and understand the topic Can answer the question Know the plot and characters Know the themes, issues and messages well Understand the topic in relation to the text, the characters and the themes Can draw upon appropriate evidence from the text and use brief quotations which can support your argument
Essay Activity Choose your essay question Use a piece of A3 paper to create 6 squares Select a topic for each paragraph For example: How does Jem show courage? How do Scout and Jem initially view Boo? Fill in boxes with notes for you essay… This will help you write your introduction!
Write your Introduction Think about: How will you introduce your topic? What technique will you use to be engaging? Make sure that you highlight the name of the book and the author in the introduction. Refer to your notes and start writing NOTE: You need to submit a draft to me by the end of the lesson.