Concept Note: Formation of an Urban WASH Consortium Federation WASH Concept Note: Formation of an Urban WASH Consortium WHERE WE WORK Urban WASH TWG Meeting, Nairobi, September 2017.
Rationale for a consortium approach: We cannot do it alone…….. It is recognised that our efforts in the Urban WASH context are limited at present although the increasing demand and need for WASH services for the urban poor and the most vulnerable is widely acknowledged1 1 Specific Strategic Direction for Urban WASH
What is our Strategic Base? Recognising what we are… auxiliary to government with privileged access to government and ministries unique global spread, attractive to partners long term presence and commitment addressing the resilience continuum proven WASH deliverer volunteer and community based needs based, demand driven approach contributes to and advocates on global WASH
What is our Strategic Base? Recognising where we want to go……… expanding our response capacity for urban disasters and specifically the provision of immediate tailored lifesaving services for WASH in urban contexts having a common vision and commitment across the movement of the role that NSs could be playing in developmental urban WASH accepting our limitations and partnering internally and externally to create an operational/programming platform – the consortium going to scale in a geographically focused approach, multi-year, multi stakeholder.
WHERE COULD THE CONSORTIUM SIT? Public Health in WASH (6) Federation WASH WHERE COULD THE CONSORTIUM SIT? Interagency TWG (IFRC, Oxfam, Unicef, UNHCR, MSF, ACF, IRC, ICRC, Care) (8) ----------------WASH Cluster Unicef led, IFRC Member of the SAG (9) Global WASH Team (1) WASH Advisors (2) Sub TWG WASH in Development (3) Sub TWG WASH in Emergencies (4) Sub TWG Urban WASH (5) Sub TWG Public Health in WASH (6) Urban WASH Consortium ERU Working Group (7) 1. Consists of Geneva & Regional IFRC WASH Teams and convenes the WASH Advisors Group Meetings 2. Consists of the Global WASH Team and NS’s WASH Advisors as a platform for informed decision making in the sector 3.-6. An ad-hoc working group to identify issues and table solutions to the WASH Advisors Group for consensus and adoption, may also involve external experts 7. Chaired by the Geneva WASH Team, consists of NS’s with existing ERU capacity to adopt and improve ERU response given changing scenarios 8. Geneva WASH Team being a founding member of this group to increase interagency collaboration in the sector 9. Geneva WASH Team an active member to represent the NSs in this forum as well as being a current member of the Strategic Advisory Group (SAG)
What would be the consortium objectives? Federation WASH What would be the consortium objectives? Effectively pooling RC/RC resources, expertise, innovation and capacities Establishing a platform attractive to partners and donors at all levels, public and private sector, academia and research bodies Identifying operational partners that can address gaps in our knowledge and capacities Encourage a ‘to scale’ approach, broad scope and multi year funding window Show over time significant Urban WASH impact
Consortium structure……. Federation WASH Consortium structure……. IFRC or Lead Agency* NS’s Technical Partners WSP’s Government target populations Research and Academia Private Sector Donors internal and external * Acting as Secretariat of the consortium
Proposed way forward………… Federation WASH Proposed way forward………… The Urban WASH TWG agrees to the basic concept We set up a working group to take it further with an agreed TOR The working group sets some objectives for 2017/18 We agree in principle to set up a modest seed fund The working group identifies potential target projects and donors The working group identifies potential key external partners