WP 5 - Development of support mechanism Methodology for monitoring pilot project South Eastern Europe marine and river integrated system for monitoring the transportation of dangerous goods - SEE MARINER Programma di Cooperazione Territoriale Europea SEE (South East Europe) Venezia – 20 Dicembre 2013
Monitoring Prevention Actions The pilot support mechanism has been designed and developed for these reasons. Aim: reduce the environmental risks arising from the transportation of Dangerous Goods, in marine and inland waterways. How can we achieve it? Identify a system to monitor the Ships carrying dangerous goods able to manage data and information about them, in order to improve: -prevention of the pollution, -operating processes oriented to the environmental protection, -coordination of activities in case of security events and emergencies, -cooperation between Operators, in different areas
AIS Base Station (or PCS [LogIS]) secure network AIS - Antenna VHF Omni local security memory buffer Real time data Historical data Venice system 062D,0*7D !AIVDM: The NMEA message type 1:Number of Sentences (some messages need more then one) 1:Sentence Number (1 unless it´s a multi-sentence message) :The blank is the Sequential Message ID (for multi-sentence messages) A:The AIS Channel (A or B) 14eG;...:The Encoded AIS Data 0*:End of Data 7D:NMEA Checksum First tool: the Automatic Identification System (AIS) is an automatic system enables to track and monitor ship movements.
Automatic Identification System (AIS) AIS message example: «static and voyage data relating to the ship AIS Dangerous Goods Categories:
Second tool: the Port Community System (PCS) is a platform enabling secure and efficient exchange of information between users of the Port Community LogIS – the Port of Venice PCS
Ship Module Inland waterways transport management Shipping processes management Documents General Declaration Request for Service ArrivalDepartureMovementPre-Arrival Notice of Arrival Annex 1ArrivalDepartureGarbage Garbage Declaration Retention of waste on board Manoeuvres Pilots manoeuvre Tugs manoeuvre Mooring manoeuvre Departure Declaration Dangerous Goods Packages Packages Tranship. GasLiquidsOilBulk Renewal of ship certificates Tools Ship documents list Data summaries Ship detailsEncodings General Statistics Notices management SafeSeaNet data summary Situation of the ships in roadstead AIS data management Data on map and tables AIS/Ship documents comparison Historical ship data and routes Present and past situation of ships in port Integration with tvcc of SaFE system Dangerous Goods monitoring Digital signature EDI feature New planned developments Component with digital signature feature Component with EDI features Developments in testing Second tool: the Port Community System (PCS) LogIS – the Port of Venice PCS
…Summarising our scenario: -AIS weaknesses: -No high level of reliability for AIS data about dangerous goods -partial information, -Not always precise or stable -AIS strengths: -Precision in and correctness of data about localization of ships -GPS coordinates, speed, route -PCS weaknesses: -Documents computerisation is not always simple -Not automatic ship localisation -PCS strengths: -access to many information and details about a Ships, Activities, Actors involved (Port Call File) -enables a control of a situation by the Operators
Data Access Tier AIS Data Connector Ship Documents Connector Database (real time & historical) Server Logic Tier Server Side Presentation Logic Front end Alarms Database Monitoring Engine Alarm Engine Alarm Feeds AIS Base Station System PCS / Local server Alarm Listener Alarm Connector Support Mechanism Logic architecture:
Data Access Tier AIS Data Connector Ship Documents Connector Server Logic Tier Server Side Presentation Logic Front end Alarms Database Monitoring Engine Alarm Engine Alarm Feeds PCS / Local server Alarm Listener AIS Base Station System Alarm Connector Database (real time & historical) - AIS Data feed from AIS Base Station: (e.g.: position, speed over ground, ship type, Dangerous goods, IMO, MMSI, Draught) - Internal database Support Mechanism Logic architecture:
Data Access Tier AIS Data Connector Ship Documents Connector Server Logic Tier Server Side Presentation Logic Front end Alarms Database Monitoring Engine Alarm Engine Alarm Feeds PCS / Local server Alarm Listener - Port Call File Data feed: Port Actors (Mooring, Towage, Pilots, Harbour Master, Port or River Authority, others..) Port Operations (berths, roadstead, port area, water canals,..); Information and documents about ship Dangerous Goods - No internal database AIS Base Station System Alarm Connector Database (real time & historical) Support Mechanism Logic architecture:
Data Access Tier AIS Data Connector Ship Documents Connector Server Logic Tier Server Side Presentation Logic Front end Alarms Database Monitoring Engine Alarm Engine Alarm Feeds PCS / Local server Alarm Listener Monitoring Engine: -using the GPS coordinates (AIS sytems), it prepares the visualization and sends to the Presentation level the map. -using AIS data, allows to request to the PCS the complete information about Dangerous Goods or Ship Call File. -analyses ship position and controls the alarm configuration, in order to warn and visualize every useful Alarm information. Alarm Engine: - stores historical alarms data -sends georeferential alarm to external alarm Listener devices -sends to Presentation module the information Alarm Connector AIS Base Station System Database (real time & historical) Support Mechanism Logic architecture:
Support Mechanism: real time scenario visualisation: -All Ships in field (data from AIS Base Station) -Real time localisation (AIS dynamic data) -Ships name label -Representation with different icons (Ship types) -Yellow icon: Ships carrying Dangerous Goods
Pop-up Information: Ship without Dangerous Goods on board. AIS data For ship without Dangerous Goods on board, data are directly fed from AIS system. If needed, a link is present to access to the «Ship Certificates» PCS pages. Support Mechanism: Data visualisation example
For ship carrying Dangerous Goods, system uses: AIS data and also Port Call File data feed, that are used to provide data directly to Operator. AIS localisation and others. AIS and PCS ship data comparison PCS: information and documents about ship: (Ship Certificates and access to the Port Call File) Dangerous Goods data from PCS Pop-up Information: Ship with Dangerous Goods on board. AIS and PCS data Support Mechanism: Data visualisation
Pop-up Information: Ship with Dangerous Goods on board. Support Mechanism: Data visualisation Example of Categories: Dangerous Goods Bulk Liquids Dangerous Goods Bulk Solids Dangerous Goods Oils Dangerous Goods Gas Dangerous Goods Packaged/Manifest
Support Mechanism: Alarms visualisation: -Alarms Ship name Red icon Red/Yellow icon (Dangerous Goods) -Critical alarmed Areas Different colors/types Area name Regulations, events, … Configuration with geographic coordinates Static, dynamic area Input data through the Alarm Connector
Support Mechanism: Alarms visualisation: Reset command Event and Zone description Ship data Alarm time data Three Alarm status: Red, Yellow, Reset Red icon: Active Alarm event Yellow icon: Alarm ended «Blank» icon: Alarm reset
Support Mechanism: new nautical map and multi-AIS connection
The pilot Support Mechanism is a system to manage information about dangerous goods. It works by using others existing technological systems which are used at present by Port Operators and, by integrating them together, provide added value to all systems and procedures. new possibility and potential Environmental Monitoring services, Security monitoring services (in accordance with regulations for security of ships and docks, or others particular areas) Event management (not only for security or accidents, but also involving tourism, weather, storms, tides,…) Improve integration and coordination between different Operators and subject involved, improving interoperations, efficiency and reliability.
Thanks for your attention! dott. Daniele Scarpa Venice Port Authority – Nethun S.p.A