When you fall, pick something up." 7/21/2019 Title: Biology 3/9/07 Objectives: To learn about the historical discoveries surrounding the genetic material, DNA. Class Topics Hand in W.S. 9.1 before the bell rings Review Chapter 8 Test Notes – Chapter 9 When you fall, pick something up." Oswald Avery Sunday, July 21, 2019 8:56 PM
Class Assignments W.S. 9.1 3/9/07 Chapter 9 Quiz 1 3/13/07 7/21/2019 Class Assignments What By When W.S. 9.1 3/9/07 Chapter 9 Quiz 1 3/13/07 Due this class period Due next class period Due in the future
7/21/2019 Grade Sheet 2A – p. 157 (5 pts.)
Avery’s conclusion What’s the conclusion? 7/21/2019 Avery’s conclusion Carbohydrase didn’t block transformation Proteases didn’t block Transformation Ribonuclease didn’t block transformation Deoxyribonuclease blocked transformation What’s the conclusion? DNA is the genetic material of bacteria
7/21/2019 Avery’s experiment Problem Hypothesis Procedure Conclusion
From: http://ribonode.ucsc.edu/HuGen/01_80H/01_80Hlec6.html 7/21/2019 From: http://ribonode.ucsc.edu/HuGen/01_80H/01_80Hlec6.html
Hershey-Chase Experiment 7/21/2019 Hershey-Chase Experiment 1952 - Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase worked with viruses to support the conclusion that DNA is the genetic material The specific viruses were bacteriophages (phages) infects bacteria Contain both DNA and Protein
7/21/2019 Radioactive Isotopes Isotope - same element (number of protons) but different numbers of neutrons Unstable or radioactive (releases energy) Used to follow the different elements throughout the experiment Phosphorus-32 - DNA not protein Sulfur-35 - protein not DNA
7/21/2019 Graphic taken from the MIT Hypertext
7/21/2019 From: http://osulibrary.orst.edu/specialcollections/coll/pauling/dna/pictures/hersheychase-experiment.html
Chapter 9 Quiz 1 Review Describe 1 of the 3 experiments 7/21/2019 Chapter 9 Quiz 1 Review Describe 1 of the 3 experiments Griffith, Avery, or Hershey/Chase Problem Hypothesis Procedure control & experimental groups, independent & dependent variables Data Conclusion
DNA Structure Monomer: Nucleotide Sugar (5C) - deoxyribose 7/21/2019 DNA Structure Monomer: Nucleotide Sugar (5C) - deoxyribose Phosphate group Nitrogenous base Adenine - purine Guanine - purine Cytosine - pyrimidine Thymine - pyrimidine
Chargaff’s Rule Erwin Chargaff - 1950 7/21/2019 Chargaff’s Rule Erwin Chargaff - 1950 Studied nucleotide composition of many DNA samples Amount of each nucleotide differed in each sample Amount of T = A and amount of G = C