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Radical Parenting Today Prepared by Chris Reeves * Twin Oaks church of Christ Gospel Meeting * June 14, 2015
Parents Who Won’t Parent The permissive parent (1 Sam. 3:13) The doting parent (1 K. 1:6) The neglectful parent (Prov. 22:6; 29:15) The ungodly parent (Ezek. 16:44)
Background The Rechabites were a branch of the Kenites (1 Chron. 2:55), descendants of Moses’ father-in-law (Judges 1:16) They were nomads and tent-dwellers, but had taken refuge in Jerusalem during the Babylonian invasion of Palestine (Jer. 35:11; 2 K. 24:1-2) These people were used by God as an object-lesson for Judah
Radical Parenting Jonadab lived in wicked times; he took drastic steps to save his family – he wanted his family to live apart from sin; to stay clear of the corrupting influence of a settled life (2 K. 10:15) Jonadab lived radically himself – he wanted show his family by example the proper way to live (2 K. 10:23)
Radical Parenting Jonadab showed the value behind his commands – he wanted his children to learn the what (duty) and why (value) of righteous living (Jer. 35:6-7) Jonadab’s ways were effective – his descendants were still obeying and loyal some 240 years later – “many days in the land” (Jer. 35:8-11)
Radical Parenting Jonadab’s descendants were examples of righteous faithfulness to unfaithful Judah (Jer. 35:12-17) Jonadab’s ways were blessed by God (Jer. 35:18-19)
Radical Parenting Obedience (Eph. 6:1-4; 1 Tim. 3:4) Godly example (2 Tim. 1:5) God’s word (2 Tim. 3:15) Love (Tit. 2:4)
Radical Parenting We live in wicked times! Radical parenting is need! God will bless your family too (Psa. 127-128)