Focus on practical test cases in the MAES context


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Presentation transcript:

Focus on practical test cases in the MAES context KIP INCA workshop EEA, Copenhagen 09. March 2018 Focus on practical test cases in the MAES context Markus Erhard, European Environment Agency (EEA)

EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 – MAES – KIP-INCA link to KIP-INCA Natural Capital 7th EAP

Ecosystem mapping and assessment Policy integration Ecosystem Mapping Condition assessment Service assessment Integration DPSIR approach

Components of SEEA-EEA to be developed under KIP-INCA Environmental Accounting Components of SEEA-EEA to be developed under KIP-INCA Knowledge Innovation Project on Integrated System for Natural Capital and Ecosystem Services Accounting in the EU KIP-INCA, 2015

Land / ecosystem extent accounts Condition and pressure assessment 2012 2015 LCF3 LCF1 LCF2 LCF5 LCF4 LCF7 LCF6 LCF8 Change Matrix (44x43=1932 possible changes) summarized into flows LCF9

Ecosystem map –> Ecosystem extent accounts 12 Ecosystems Terrestrial (7) freshwater (1) marine (4) Ca. 60 Habitats Terrestrial (>40) freshwater (3) marine (>15)  Towards consolidated baseline  Operational MAES, 2016:

Nutrient accounts – pressure and condition assessment Methodology development – Agro ecosystems , grasslands, and forests Example Output map –N- input from manure in agricultural ecosystems Source: ETC/SIA, 2013

Causalities - developing story-lines e.g. grassland Nitrogen input 2010 Grassland ecosystems: non-bird species and habitat conservation status and trends Change in nitrogen input 2005-2010 Nature report (EEA,2015)

Carbon Accounting Scheme Subset needed, which is relevant for management and (policy) decisions SOIL FOREST OTHER VEGETATION CROPLAND LIVESTOCK CITIES IMPORT EXPORT Food Fodder Dead biomass Organic fertilization CONTINENTAL WATER Activated sludge Dissolved organic carbon ATMOSPHERE Primary production Respiration Grazing Felling Marine Biota Fishing

Water quality and quantity accounts Data models: Linking linear and spatial data terrestrial - freshwater - marine To insert: map of EU sub catchments

Ecosystem Condition - Ecosystem Services Management  enhance multiple service portfolios Ecosystem Services Provisioning Food, timber Fish …… Regulatory Pollination Genetic diversity Water/flood regulation Cultural Recreation Heritage Intrinsic value (bequest) Condition - assessment Pressures Status Biodiversity NEC IAS … HBD WFD MSFD Common Bird Indicator … Ecosystems

Key functionalities of a shared data platform Filling the MAES indicator framework for thematic assessments ‚nature‘, agriculture, forest, freshwater, marine, urban, soil: Land /ecosystem extent accounts and fragmentation Nutrient accounts: Condition and pressures Water quantity and quality accounts Biodiversity accounts (EBCC) ? Climate change: Phenology and productivity - risk for ecosystem integrity Marine hazardous contaminants, eutrophication, biodiversity, sustainable use  MAES background documents to be shared with KIP INCA

Conclusions Mutual interlinkages between ecosystem assessment and accounting and vice versa generating harmonized data based on standardized methods Harmonisation important for policy support – providing “robust numbers and messages “ Assessment profiting from operational statistically proofed methods for stocks and flows (change detection), using the spatially referenced input data Accounting profiting from mapping and ‚improving‘ reporting data flows  indicator framework as common entry point  policy streamlining process (DG-ENV and across DGs) Need for more condition sensitive ecosystem service accounts  multifunctionality of ecosystems in several funding frameworks (e.g. LIFE, Green Infrastructure)

Thank you for your attention EEA: Ecosystem Assessment: MAES digital atlas MAES catalogue of case studies: Ecosystem Service Classification: The Ecosystem Services Partnership: OPPLA platform: