Inter-Generational Ministry Moving from Multi- to Inter-Generational Ministry Generate 2019 Chris Barnett Overview Intergenerationality & Change Multi-, cross- and inter-generational Models for Change Reality Check
Intergenerational Ministry (Children & Families) UCA Synod of Victas Encouraging healthy ministry with children and their families Providing effective educational resourcing for ministry with children and their families Consultancy Advocacy Resourcing Training
Intergenerational is not just a fad or a good idea… An intentionally intergenerational environment is more likely to encourage and sustain lifelong discipleship for all ages
Intergenerational is… Not just about children, its about people of all ages Not primarily about what we do, its about who we are Not something that just happens, it requires intentionality
Intergenerational – A Definition “Two or more different age groups…together learning, growing, living in faith through in-common experiences, parallel learning, contributive occasions, and interactive sharing” - James White
Intergenerational ministry – Some Definitions “Two or more different age groups…together learning, growing, living in faith through in-common experiences, parallel learning, contributive occasions, and interactive sharing” - James White “Intentional intergenerational strategies…encourage interpersonal interactions across generational boundaries…sense of mutuality and respect is encouraged between participants” – Alan Harkness
intergenerational connections A Change of Culture Generational – default position age-based cohorts, sometimes we do things together Intergenerational – default position all ages together, sometimes we do things separately A key is developing intergenerational connections -
What do we mean by “intergenerational”? Distinguishing between Mono-, Multi-, Cross- and Inter-generational
Making some distinctions Mono-cultural/generational Multi-cultural/generational Cross-cultural/generational Inter-cultural/generational Ref. The United Church of Canada
Multi-generational Tolerance, Live Alongside Superficial and polite interaction Cross-generational Some sharing, listening, learning Little individual/collective transformation Inter-generational Comprehensive mutuality, equality & reciprocity Individual/collective transformation more likely
Being Intergenerational Intentional intergenerational relationships are marked by Mutuality (all benefit) Equality (all are valued equally) Reciprocity (all give and receive)
A Change of Culture From Generational to Intergenerational From Multi-generational to Inter-generational Tolerance Mutuality Living alongside Equality Superficial Reciprocity Polite interaction Transformation …transformation of beliefs, values, attitudes …transformation of behaviours and practices
Time for a Pause How are we going so far? What’s buzzing around in your head?
Becoming a truly intergenerational church Involves change from something to something else Involves knowing where we are & where we want to go Involves intentional discussion, discernment and decision
Reflection on the last 20 years Reflection on the past 5 years Becoming a truly intergenerational church Reflection on the last 20 years Reflection on the past 5 years Reflection on the last month
Becoming a truly intergenerational church Factors common to many contexts include matters relating to… Culture Change Processes …not just the specifics of the area under consideration
Becoming a truly intergenerational church Three Models for Change Kotter & the Penguins Rogers & the ??? Heath & the Elephant
Becoming a truly intergenerational church Our Iceberg is Melting John Kotter Establish a sense of urgency Create a guiding team Develop a vision and strategy Communicate the vision and strategy Empower others Generate short-term wins Consolidate gains Anchor new approaches in culture
Becoming a truly intergenerational church Everett Rogers & the ??? Adaptive Change “An adaptive challenge, on the other hand, arises in a situation where the existing systems and structures cannot offer sufficient answers. Adaptive challenges thus require us to engage in experimentation and a process of learning. They necessitate changes in behaviour, values and attitudes” InterGenerate, p.89
Becoming a truly intergenerational church Everett Rogers & the ??? Adaptive Change Awareness Understanding Evaluation Experimentation Commitment This approach…”does not promise the rapid transformation of an entire organisation. Rather, it emphasises the steady, intentional cultivation of cultural change” InterGenerate p.91
Becoming a truly intergenerational church Heath & the Elephant Switch: How to change when change is hard (Chip & Dan Heath) The Happiness Hypothesis (Jonathan Haidt) The Elephant, The Rider and the Path
Becoming a truly intergenerational church The task of leadership in change… Direct the Rider Motivate the Elephant Shape the Path
Becoming a truly intergenerational church Direct the Rider Follow the bright spots Script the critical moves Point to the destination
Becoming a truly intergenerational church Motivate the Elephant Find the feeling Shrink the change Grow your people
Becoming a truly intergenerational church Shape the Path Tweak the environment Build habits Rally the herd
Becoming a truly intergenerational church The task of leadership in change… Direct the Rider Follow the bright spots Script the critical moves Point to the destination Motivate the Elephant Find the feeling Shrink the change Grow your people Shape the Path Tweak the environment Build habits Rally the herd
Moving from Multi- to Inter-Generational Ministry What has surprised/challenged/excited about today? What’s one thing you might do personally as a consequence of this session? What might be next for your context and intergenerational ministry?
Moving from Multi- to Inter-Generational Ministry Involves a Change of Culture From Generational to Intergenerational From Multi-generational to Inter-generational Tolerance Mutuality Living alongside Equality Superficial Reciprocity Polite interaction Transformation …transformation of beliefs, values, attitudes …transformation of behaviours and practices
Moving from Multi- to Inter-Generational Ministry Involves change from something to something else Involves knowing where we are & where we want to go Involves intentional discussion, discernment and decision
Moving from Multi- to Inter-Generational Ministry The task of leadership in change… Direct the Rider Motivate the Elephant Shape the Path
Moving from Multi- to Inter-Generational Ministry Directing the Rider Tell someone before Monday about what’s excited you today e-mail me before Tuesday for a copy of this ppt Set a date for an intentional intergenerational discussion with your church leadership team Check out Read either InterGenerate or Intergenerational Christian Formation in the next month
to Inter-Generational Ministry Moving from Multi- to Inter-Generational Ministry Generate 2019 Chris Barnett