Cross-species chaperone protection assay of γ crystallin by α crystallin from the three species D. mawsoni, T. obesus and B. taurus. Cross-species chaperone.


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Presentation transcript:

Cross-species chaperone protection assay of γ crystallin by α crystallin from the three species D. mawsoni, T. obesus and B. taurus. Cross-species chaperone protection assay of γ crystallin by α crystallin from the three species D. mawsoni, T. obesus and B. taurus. Chaperone assay temperature was at TS for theα crystallin in the assay. Final concentration of both α andγ crystallin in the assay was 1 mg ml–1. Combinations of α and γ crystallin are indicated. Values are means ± s.e.m.; bars are obscured by symbols (N=3). Andor J. Kiss et al. J Exp Biol 2004;207:4633-4649 © The Company of Biologists Limited 2004