Important Dates: Just a quick reminder: It is Summit School’s dress code policy to not wear any clothing that has inappropriate words and pictures on it. Please remind your student of this when picking out clothes for school! Join us for Grandparents day September 9th. Important Dates: September 5th – Labor Day – NO School September 9th – School is in session September 30th – School in session - Homecoming Super Students: Starting the week of September 12 students will be hanging their super student posters up. There will be one student every two weeks. If they would like to they are welcome to bring in other things they are proud of such as medals, ribbons, etc. Created by: ©The Little Ladybug Shop
Important Dates: Mrs. Gleason’s Super 3rd Grade What We Are Learning: Math: Addition and Subtraction. We are also really working on our fact fluency. Reading: Asking and answering questions in literature and informational text. Writing : Narratives Informational Text: Genetic vs. Acquired traits/ Communities Important Dates: September 5th – Labor Day – NO School September 9 – School IS in session September 26 – 30 – Homecoming Week HOMEWORK Your student will be bringing home a reading log every night. Please have them read for at least 20 minutes per night. They will also be taking spelling tests on Thursday so please help them study their words. Notes: We will be having a reading challenge in our room this month. If the students read more minutes than I do collectively, then they get a special treat at the end of the month. Created by: ©The Little Ladybug Shop