Non-stock Products
Non-stocks Non-stocks are items we do not stock normally – they do not have PID’s in the system. If we do not stock the item but the customer wants it, we enter it as a “non-stock”
How to use Non-stocks Each major stock section in the Counter Book has a non-stock section that follows To find these sections, enter a ? on the Product ID line and hit enter to use the Counter Book search to find the correct non-stock section
How to use Non-stocks Choose the non-stock section that you need by entering /XXX where XXX equals non-stock section Examples: /059 = Spiral Non-stock /179 = Ductmate Non-stock
OR Use Sharepoint to find non-stock section Click on Directories and Documents, Who’s Who Use the document titled “Product Managers and Buyers v2” Use the tab titled Non Stock Sections to find the section number to use in order entry
Tracking Non-stock activity If you know the actual non-stock number, use IVI (fastpath), Option 3 – Item movement ledger If you don’t know the actual non-stock number, but do know the section associated with it then use POI (fastpath), Option 6 – Non-stock items OR use OEI (fastpath, Option 9 – Non-stock items
Re-using Non-stock item If a non-stock came in for a customer order that is NOT a direct and was either never invoiced to the original customer OR returned by the original customer, you can re-use this number to resell the product. BUT, there are certain guidelines you must follow.
Re-using Non-stock item if Order has not been invoiced If the order with the non-stock was NOT invoiced and has been voided, you can simply reuse the nonstock.
Re-using Non-stock item if Order HAS been invoiced A credit must be issued and invoiced against the original order with the non-stock. A new order must be entered using a NEW non-stock item (generated by system /XXX). Then change the non-stock item to the original non-stock /XXX number through order maintenance.
Direct Sales non-stock: Adjusting Non-stock inventory If you need to resell an non-stock item that was on a direct sales order, then your Ops Manager will need to adjust that product onto a NEW non-stock code (generated by your sales order).