Introduction to Criminology Crim 1301-001 Opening Day
About Myself Jeff Maahs Education Demographics Academic Interests Non-Academic Interests Non-academic interests + demographics
Another year in the books… North Division W L T Chicago 10 6 Detroit 4 12 Green Bay 11 5 Minnesota
Oh, I know what you’re thinking…
But at least they beat the Vikings
BASICS Class Time and Room: T/TH 8-9:50am Office Hours: T/TH 10-11am, 3:30-4:30pm, or by Appointment Office: 207 Cina Mailbox: 228 Cina Email: Web: Phone: 726-7395
Course Text Vito, Gennaro, and Jeffrey R. Maahs. (2011). Criminology: Theory, Research, and Policy. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett. Other readings to be posted as .pdf files on syllabus (calendar)
Policies and Procedures Attendance Group activities will likely capture attendance patterns Student Behavior Missed Exams Grading Three Multiple Choice Exams Grades posted on egradebook Group activities (group numbers are on egradebook) Course Outline Questions?
Teaching Assistants Introductions Emily Seaberg (Groups 1-10) Kurt Domeier The TA will grade any group output Teaching assistants will also hold office hours They we be held in Cina 208 Hours (posted on course home page also) Emily Thursdays, 1-2 pm Kurt Tuesdays, noon-1pm TA responsible for grading group assignments—contact them please
Group Work #1 Find your group Complete group work COME BACK to finish up
Opportunity to Participate in the Scientific Study of the Death Penalty Professors Scott Vollum and Jackie Buffington-Vollum WE WILL