THOMAS HOBBES Man is naturally wicked Needs government to control man and ensure we don’t treat each other poorly SOCIAL CONTRACT: Give up some freedoms in exchange for security
JOHN LOCKE Takes social contract step further Influences Jefferson Considered “Framer” of the United States Constitution Difference between “framer” vs. “founder” All people are equal Natural Rights Life, liberty, property Gov’t needs to protect this But gov’t should also be limited
BARON DE MONTESQUIEU Wrote “Spirit of Laws” Separation of powers Influences Jefferson greatly
Jean- Jaqcues Rousseau Published in first encyclopedia (Diderot) Takes social contract EVEN FURTHER! Need to have a gov’t ruled through popular sovereignty Gov’t can make and enforce laws citizens must follow
Ms. Ottenberg’s Docket 8/31-9/4 To access today’s files, go to Blackboard Assignments Unit 1 Chapter 2 Read “Comparing Hobbes, Locke, & Rousseau” Complete the exit ticket (submit via Blackboard or email to pfhsgovernment@gmail.com) Due today by 11:59 PM: Purposes of Gov’t News Chart Up next: Reviewing Chapter 1 (quiz next Friday) & Constitution Notes