Flexible shark skin foil mako membrane no. 1 (left). Flexible shark skin foil mako membrane no. 1 (left). Bonded skin pieces (6.4 cm in length and 9.2 cm in height) of both lateral sides from 10 cm above the midline of a male shortfin mako shark are clamped 2.5 cm above the lower end in a sandwich bar holder. Right: distribution of skin structure on the surface of this mako membrane foil. ESEM images from parts of an upper (A), a middle (B) and a lower (C) area. Image samples were taken from skin pieces extracted 0.5 cm downstream of the foil edge of this foil at each location. The blue arrow indicates the direction of water flow during testing. Scale bars, 100 μm. Johannes Oeffner, and George V. Lauder J Exp Biol 2012;215:785-795 © 2012.