SettingManager a device class to manage settings without database administrator EUROPEAN SYNCHROTRON RADIATION FACILITY 23/06/2019 Pascal Verdier, 30th tango meeting
SettingsManager device class Goal: Manage settings from clients programs or device servers and not from a centralized application. Do not need a database administrator intervention. Principle: The most flexible system to store the settings is to use files on disk. Users will be able to manage sub system, copies or edition (device/attribute renaming). All settings files will be store under a "RootPath" directory. A subdirectory will be created for each system. To be accessible from all languages (client or server), a TANGO class manages read, write and apply settings for attributes. Each instance of this class will manage a system (SRRF, RIPS, LINAC, ...) files under its own subdirectory fixed by a TANGO property. 23/06/2019 Pascal Verdier, 30th tango meeting
SettingsManager device class - The device file path is given by $RootPath and SettingsFilesPath device property - For Project4, the device sys/settings/project4 will manage files found under $RootPath/Project4 - For Subproject2 the device sys/settings/subproject2 will manages files found under $RootPath/Project1/Subproject2 - To generate a settings file, the attribute list could be taken from DefaultAttributeList device property or from input command argument. 23/06/2019 Pascal Verdier, 30th tango meeting
SettingsManager device class Implementation: This class has been implemented in Java. Commands are: GetSettingsFileContent GenerateSettingsFile ApplySettings FileExists DeleteFile RenameFile A thread for each device will be created to apply settings in parallel. On client side, don’t forget to set longer timeout if necessary (depending on attribute number and hardware response) In same package, a java client API to use it, is available with listener and event. Documentation : 23/06/2019 Pascal Verdier, 30th tango meeting
Pascal Verdier, 30th tango meeting Thank you! Any questions? 23/06/2019 Pascal Verdier, 30th tango meeting