By malcolm bruley and hasan hussain The walking dead By malcolm bruley and hasan hussain
Introduction The walking dead is about is a show about zombies also known as walkers and the main protagonist is a man called Rick. In the walking dead there are many people who worked for the whole show and they have been part of it since the beginning some of the executive producers have only been part for some episodes. The crater of the show is called Robert Kirkman he also wrote the comics for the walking dead. He first aired the show in the 31st of October in 2010 he got so many reviews from the show that the UK wanted to air the show on fox and channel 5 in 2012.
Results of primary research In my research lesson we had a task to do survey too see how many people liked our chosen survey we had to find out if they were a boy or girl, what age are they are, if they liked my chosen Television program and what was there favourite character. We all had to get in a pair so I chose Hasan Hussain to be my partner because I know we both like the same programs. So me and my partner gave a thought about what T.V. programs I got all my results we all sat down and we had to times it by 10 and then divide it by 14 while I was doing that for all the results I found out that %79 were boys and %21were girls, %29 off the people didn't like it and %71liked it. The research that I did in this lesson was primary because I found out by asking people to do a survey which makes it primary.
Secondary sector The show I had chose was The Walking Dead. The walking dead's air date is different for both the UK and America for America the first season of The Walking Dead started on 31 October 2010 but for the UK it started on the 5th November 2010. For America The Walking Dead is aired on AMC but for the people in the UK it is aired on FOX. From this date season 4 is being aired on both of these channels.
Typical audience member The walking dead's audience member can be any gender at the age of 14 to 35 because the walking dead is a horror television show that it's quite jumpy and it has Lots of gory scenes that is not suitable to people under age. The class of the audience is casual people who wear jumpers, t shirts and skinny jeans not Adidas jackets or wear jogging bottoms. Some people wear these clothes but mainly they just wear shirts ties and trousers or skinny jeans, jumpers and jackets. The fan base of the walking dead is really huge that black or white people watch it all the time. And mainly the English countries watch the show..
This is a picture of a typical audience for the walking dead.