ICT for Social Inclusion of Young People (Abandoned Young People) e-Inclusion Infodays 15-16 January 2007 Brussels ICT for Social Inclusion of Young People (Abandoned Young People) Bojil Dobrev International University, Sofia
Existing/Ongoing/Planned Activities Minorities YP Disabled YP Unemployed YP Young People (YP) Abandoned Young People (Orphans, Homeless) New activities to be launched
New activities as: ICT infrastructure Specific portals Links to existing Portals Training in: Computer literacy Internet literacy Information literacy And more as: “ In a home for orphans in Tanzania children were trained to repair second hand PC’s and to sell them on the market”
Proposed actions To identify the requirements of Young People from the e-Exclusion risk groups To consider the specific requirements of Young People in the e-Inclusion activities targeting minorities, disabled people, unemployed To start activities targeting abandoned Young People (orphans, homeless)