Span field analysis to support the German Energy Transition Identification of cathodic interference on pipelines Pipeline Technology Conference, Berlin, March 20th, 2019 Dr. Eva Benz BIL eG, Germany
BIL eG – Founding Foundation June 15th, 2015 at BP in Bochum Foundation by 17 German pipeline companies Legal form: registered cooperative (“eG”), i.e. no commercial interest and non-profit First German web-portal for construction enquiries at no charges Operational start: February 29th, 2016 40 weeks implementation 10 weeks customer testing Continuous operation for now 37 months (99,6 %) PTC 2019 23.07.2019
We are ... (all branches) BIL participating companies (70): PTC 2019 23.07.2019
What we really do…. ….. Identifying and informing of relevant operators: Standardised digging enquiry Research of operators Responsibility check Reporting and archiving Identification of inductive interference on cathodic corrosion protection Today‘s focus! PTC 2019 23.07.2019
German Energy Transition Challenges Capacity increase (weather-dependent) Capacity increase (all-year) Electricity Transmission: Balance fluctuating renewables energy supply of widely distributed generators via the grid AC power lines collect wind power in the north, solar power in the south DC lines provide the electricity balance between north and south Optimisation of the electricity grid is necessary: New transmission lines and Increase regional available capacity of existing grid (up to max. 150 %) Source: Amprion PTC 2019 23.07.2019
Physical introduction Inductive long-term influence IU Earth rope IW IV B(IU) IV B(IV) B(IW) IW IU B(IW) B(IU) B(IV) The maximum influencing voltage on third-party systems must not exceed 60 V during operation - see technical regulations VDE 0845-8 and DVGW GW 22 Resulting magnetic field a pipeline Source: Amprion PTC 2019 23.07.2019
Span field analysis Process of BIL responsibility check Enquiry based on „span fields“ Segmentation of the area around high voltage (HV) cables into span fields Required buffering of the HV line: 400 to 1.000 m on both sides form the span field between two power poles Resulting rectangles form the basis for responsibility check carried out by BIL Identification of responsible pipelines Determination of responsible BIL participants for each span field Direct contacting of HV operator with respective BIL participant for individual coordination Example HV cable Span field of investigation Power pole PTC 2019 23.07.2019
Span field analysis - summary Enquirer (here: TSO) BIL BIL Participant (pipeline operators) creates the enquiry and uploading the span field information receives span field list and responsible participants (BIL responsibility check) … matches span field area with operational grid data of the pipeline operator Enabler for communication receives enquiry if responsibility check is positive processes request according to own workflow (reply possible, but optional) Joint coordination and communication on the basis of existing enquiry and its results for both parties. PTC 2019 23.07.2019
Example: BIL enquiry by TSO PTC 2019 23.07.2019
Example: BIL-result on enquiry Enquiry “Soonwald West” 20180201-0001 235 Span fields 28 Span fields identified with responsibilities 41330011-41330012 (2) 41330012-41330013 (1) 41330013-41330014 (3) 41330014-41330015 (2) 41330015-41330016 (2) 41330016-41330017 (2) 41330017-41330018 (2) …. Export Repeat enquiry OGE, RMR, Thyssengas PTC 2019 23.07.2019
Geospatial analysis & interpretation Interpretation when one or more operators are affected BIL-Participants count Open Grid Europe GmbH 275 ExxonMobil Production Deutschland GmbH 59 Gasunie Deutschland Transport Services GmbH 55 Thyssengas GmbH 30 Nowega GmbH 22 Nord-West Oelleitung GmbH 13 Evonik Technology & Infrastructure GmbH 9 PTC 2019 23.07.2019
Inductive Interference Outlook of BIL Excavation Communication Inductive Interference Inductive Inteference – technical component Communiction – doppeldeutig: n to n communication of markte particpants and technical idea behind communication Requirement: Underground business, increase safety, reduce research effort, facilitate communication, save resources! PTC 2019 23.07.2019
… your questions? Visit us at our PTC booth No. 17! PTC 2019 23.07.2019