Demonstrative Adjectives/Pronouns
Demonstratives demonstratives are words that point out (<dēmōnstrō, -āre) a person or object in a sentence they are used as either adjectives or pronouns, but the forms are the same if they modify a noun, they are adjectives if they stand alone in a sentence, they are pronouns the most common demonstratives are: hic, haec, hoc: this (pl.: these) ille, illa, illud: that (pl.: those) is, ea, id: this, that (pl.: these, those)
hic, haec, hoc
hic, haec, hoc: this SINGULAR Translation (Adj./Pron.) M F N Nom. Gen. Dat. Acc. Abl.
hic, haec, hoc: this hic haec hoc SINGULAR Translation (Adj./Pron.) M F N Nom. hic haec hoc A: this ____ P: he/she/it Gen. Dat. Acc. Abl.
hic, haec, hoc: this hic haec hoc huius SINGULAR Translation (Adj./Pron.) M F N Nom. hic haec hoc A: this ____ P: he/she/it Gen. huius A: of this ____ P: his/hers/its Dat. Acc. Abl.
hic, haec, hoc: this hic haec hoc huius huic SINGULAR Translation (Adj./Pron.) M F N Nom. hic haec hoc A: this ____ P: he/she/it Gen. huius A: of this ____ P: his/hers/its Dat. huic A: to/for this ____ P: to him/her/it Acc. Abl.
hic, haec, hoc: this hic haec hoc huius huic hunc hanc SINGULAR Translation (Adj./Pron.) M F N Nom. hic haec hoc A: this ____ P: he/she/it Gen. huius A: of this ____ P: his/hers/its Dat. huic A: to/for this ____ P: to him/her/it Acc. hunc hanc P: him/her/it Abl.
hic, haec, hoc: this hic haec hoc huius huic hunc hanc hōc hāc SINGULAR Translation (Adj./Pron.) M F N Nom. hic haec hoc A: this ____ P: he/she/it Gen. huius A: of this ____ P: his/hers/its Dat. huic A: to/for this ____ P: to him/her/it Acc. hunc hanc P: him/her/it Abl. hōc hāc A: bwioaf this ___ P: “ him/her/it
hic, haec, hoc: this hī hae haec PLURAL Translation (Adj./Pron.) M F N Nom. hī hae haec A: these ___ P: they Gen. Dat. Acc. Abl.
hic, haec, hoc: this hī hae haec hōrum hārum PLURAL Translation (Adj./Pron.) M F N Nom. hī hae haec A: these ___ P: they Gen. hōrum hārum A: of these ____ P: of them/their Dat. Acc. Abl.
hic, haec, hoc: this hī hae haec hōrum hārum hīs PLURAL Translation (Adj./Pron.) M F N Nom. hī hae haec A: these ___ P: they Gen. hōrum hārum A: of these ____ P: of them/their Dat. hīs A: to/for these ____ P: to/for them Acc. Abl.
hic, haec, hoc: this hī hae haec hōrum hārum hīs hōs hās PLURAL Translation (Adj./Pron.) M F N Nom. hī hae haec A: these ___ P: they Gen. hōrum hārum A: of these ____ P: of them/their Dat. hīs A: to/for these ____ P: to/for them Acc. hōs hās A: these ____ P: them Abl.
hic, haec, hoc: this hī hae haec hōrum hārum hīs hōs hās PLURAL Translation (Adj./Pron.) M F N Nom. hī hae haec A: these ___ P: they Gen. hōrum hārum A: of these ____ P: of them/their Dat. hīs A: to/for these ____ P: to/for them Acc. hōs hās A: these ____ P: them Abl. A: bwioaf these ___ P: “ them
ille, illa, illud
ille, illa, illud: that SINGULAR Translation (Adj./Pron.) M F N Nom. Gen. Dat. Acc. Abl.
ille, illa, illud: that ille illa illud SINGULAR Translation (Adj./Pron.) M F N Nom. ille illa illud A: that ____ P: he/she/it Gen. Dat. Acc. Abl.
ille, illa, illud: that ille illa illud illīus SINGULAR Translation (Adj./Pron.) M F N Nom. ille illa illud A: that ____ P: he/she/it Gen. illīus A: of that ____ P: his/hers/its Dat. Acc. Abl.
ille, illa, illud: that ille illa illud illīus illī SINGULAR Translation (Adj./Pron.) M F N Nom. ille illa illud A: that ____ P: he/she/it Gen. illīus A: of that ____ P: his/hers/its Dat. illī A: to/for that ____ P: to/for him/her/it Acc. Abl.
ille, illa, illud: that ille illa illud illīus illī illum illam SINGULAR Translation (Adj./Pron.) M F N Nom. ille illa illud A: that ____ P: he/she/it Gen. illīus A: of that ____ P: his/hers/its Dat. illī A: to/for that ____ P: to/for him/her/it Acc. illum illam P: him/her/it Abl.
ille, illa, illud: that ille illa illud illīus illī illum illam illō SINGULAR Translation (Adj./Pron.) M F N Nom. ille illa illud A: that ____ P: he/she/it Gen. illīus A: of that ____ P: his/hers/its Dat. illī A: to/for that ____ P: to/for him/her/it Acc. illum illam P: him/her/it Abl. illō illā A: bwioaf that ____ P: “ him/her/it
ille, illa, illud: that illī illae illa PLURAL Translation (Adj./Pron.) M F N Nom. illī illae illa A: those ____ P: they Gen. Dat. Acc. Abl.
ille, illa, illud: that illī illae illa illōrum illārum PLURAL Translation (Adj./Pron.) M F N Nom. illī illae illa A: those ____ P: they Gen. illōrum illārum A: of those ____ P: of them/their Dat. Acc. Abl.
ille, illa, illud: that illī illae illa illōrum illārum illīs PLURAL Translation (Adj./Pron.) M F N Nom. illī illae illa A: those ____ P: they Gen. illōrum illārum A: of those ____ P: of them/their Dat. illīs A: to/for those ____ P: to/for them Acc. Abl.
ille, illa, illud: that illī illae illa illōrum illārum illīs illōs PLURAL Translation (Adj./Pron.) M F N Nom. illī illae illa A: those ____ P: they Gen. illōrum illārum A: of those ____ P: of them/their Dat. illīs A: to/for those ____ P: to/for them Acc. illōs illās P: them Abl.
ille, illa, illud: that illī illae illa illōrum illārum illīs illōs PLURAL Translation (Adj./Pron.) M F N Nom. illī illae illa A: those ____ P: they Gen. illōrum illārum A: of those ____ P: of them/their Dat. illīs A: to/for those ____ P: to/for them Acc. illōs illās P: them Abl. A: bwioaf those ___ P: “ them
is, ea, id
is, ea, id: this, that SINGULAR Translation (Adj./Pron.) M F N Nom. Gen. Dat. Acc. Abl.
is, ea, id: this, that is ea id SINGULAR Translation (Adj./Pron.) M F Nom. is ea id same as translations for hic, haec, hoc & ille, illa, illud Gen. Dat. Acc. Abl.
is, ea, id: this, that is ea id eius SINGULAR Translation (Adj./Pron.) M F N Nom. is ea id same as translations for hic, haec, hoc & ille, illa, illud Gen. eius Dat. Acc. Abl.
is, ea, id: this, that is ea id eius eī SINGULAR Translation (Adj./Pron.) M F N Nom. is ea id same as translations for hic, haec, hoc & ille, illa, illud Gen. eius Dat. eī Acc. Abl.
is, ea, id: this, that is ea id eius eī eum eam SINGULAR Translation (Adj./Pron.) M F N Nom. is ea id same as translations for hic, haec, hoc & ille, illa, illud Gen. eius Dat. eī Acc. eum eam Abl.
is, ea, id: this, that is ea id eius eī eum eam eō eā SINGULAR Translation (Adj./Pron.) M F N Nom. is ea id same as translations for hic, haec, hoc & ille, illa, illud Gen. eius Dat. eī Acc. eum eam Abl. eō eā
is, ea, id: this, that PLURAL Translation (Adj./Pron.) M F N Nom. same as translations for hic, haec, hoc & ille, illa, illud Gen. Dat. Acc. Abl.
is, ea, id: this, that eī eae ea PLURAL Translation (Adj./Pron.) M F N Nom. eī eae ea same as translations for hic, haec, hoc & ille, illa, illud Gen. Dat. Acc. Abl.
is, ea, id: this, that eī eae ea eōrum eārum PLURAL Translation (Adj./Pron.) M F N Nom. eī eae ea same as translations for hic, haec, hoc & ille, illa, illud Gen. eōrum eārum Dat. Acc. Abl.
is, ea, id: this, that eī eae ea eōrum eārum eīs PLURAL Translation (Adj./Pron.) M F N Nom. eī eae ea same as translations for hic, haec, hoc & ille, illa, illud Gen. eōrum eārum Dat. eīs Acc. Abl.
is, ea, id: this, that eī eae ea eōrum eārum eīs eōs eās PLURAL Translation (Adj./Pron.) M F N Nom. eī eae ea same as translations for hic, haec, hoc & ille, illa, illud Gen. eōrum eārum Dat. eīs Acc. eōs eās Abl.
is, ea, id: this, that eī eae ea eōrum eārum eīs eōs eās PLURAL Translation (Adj./Pron.) M F N Nom. eī eae ea same as translations for hic, haec, hoc & ille, illa, illud Gen. eōrum eārum Dat. eīs Acc. eōs eās Abl.
Ablatives of Time
Ablative of Time When
Ablative of Time When abl. is used to describe the time when an action takes place answers the question at what time? describes a specific point in time does NOT use a preposition usually occurs in the singular typically will be translated with “at” or “in”
Ablative of Time When e.g.: Mīlitēs tertiā hōrā ē castrīs excessērunt. The soldiers departed from the camp at the third hour. Prīmō annō bellī cum Pyrrhō, Rōmānī victī sunt. In the first year of the war with Pyrrhus, the Romans were defeated.
Ablative of Time Within Which
Ablative of Time Within Which abl. is used to describe the time during which an action takes place answers the question during what time? describes a span of time, but not a specific point does NOT use a preposition usually occurs in the plural typically will be translated with “within” or “in”
Ablative of Time Within Which e.g.: Tribus annīs ad Āfricam ēx Ītaliā nāvigābimus. We shall sail to Africa from Italy within three years. Multa oppida ab hostibus ūnō annō capta sunt. Many towns were seized by the enemy in one year. Note that “in” here really means “within” or “in the span of” (compare with example 2 for abl. of time when)