Investment Growth . Allocated provisions to Need Populated from Needs screens and is two- way Populated from Needs screens and is two-way View read only Select to change regular contribution to meet Target Lump sum 10%, 30%, 50%, 70%, 90% chance Existing provision allocation modelled against its existing allocations Existing provision allocation reinvested to the ideal asset allocation, ATR, term and category plus any new money as set in need Select to toggle between Pods and Funnel graph Note: With Funnel graph, the dark section is the higher chance With an investment term of 15 years, you currently have a 50% chance of achieving at least £26,330, which would be a shortfall of £73,670. In the proposed scenario you would have a 50% chance of achieving £117,224, giving a surplus of £17,224. .
Investment Income Allocated provisions to Need Populated from Needs screens and is two-way Populated from Needs screens and is two-way Select to change regular contribution to meet Target Lump sum 10%, 30%, 50%, 70%, 90% chance View read only Existing provision allocation reinvested to the ideal asset allocation, ATR, term and category, plus any new money as set in need Existing provision allocation modelled against its existing allocations Investment Period Only before Income Started Values are Fund only (Shortfall or Surplus) after the Income Period is completed . With an investment term of 15 years and an income term of 20 years you currently have a 50% chance of being left with a residual fund shortfall of -£219,438. In the proposed scenario you would have a 50% chance of being left with a fund surplus of -£4,060.
Example if Display Funnel used Investment term 10 years Income required £10k per annum for 5 years at the end of the 10 year term Proposed single contribution of £20k No Escalation Dark blue line 50% chance Investment term 10yrs Income required 10k PA for 5Yrs at the end of the 10yr term Proposed Single contribution of 20k No Escalation Investment for 15 years, then an income for 5 years, a 50% chance of being left with residual fund of -£4,060 if the proposed is taken up