2 Content Define Manufacturing Does Manufacturing Really Matter? Importance of Manufacturing Economic Development State of Manufacturing in Africa Comparing Africa and Asia Strategy for Successful Manufacturing
WHAT TYPES and STRUCTURES The production of goods for use or sale using labor and machines, tools, chemical and biological processing, or formulation A range of human activity, from handicraft to high-tech, applied to industrial production, in which raw materials are transformed into finished goods on a large scale 3 Manufacturing Heavy (Primary) – Big Plant Covering Large Areas of Land Large Scale Industries, Capital Intensive Examples - crude oil refining, metal smelting, ship building Light (Secondary) - Low weight, high value products Small Scale Industries, Small Products, Limited Investment Capital Examples – electrical goods, clothing, food processing, toys High-tech (Tertiary to Quaternary) – High Value Products Heavy Capital Investment in R&D, Uses Modern Technology Examples – computers, business systems, micro-processors
4 Does Manufacturing Really Matter? Some Argue We Should Not be Concerned China will produce everything; so we should concentrate on more successful sectors Manufacturing jobs do not support the growth of a knowledge-based economy Manufacturing is a dirty, dumb, and dying sector Manufacturing, like agriculture before it, will continue to produce the goods we need but no longer employ a significant number of workers Manufacturing workers are needed elsewhere in the country or in other sectors They say………
5 Did You Know……. Source: NAM The United States is the world's largest manufacturing economy, producing 21 percent of global manufactured products. China is second at 15 percent and Japan is third at 12 percent U.S. manufacturing produces $1.7 trillion of value each year, or 11.7 percent of U.S. GDP. For every $1.00 spent in manufacturing, another $1.41 is added to the economy Manufacturing supports an estimated 17 million jobs in the U.S.about one in six private sector jobs. Nearly 12 million Americans (or 9 percent of the workforce) are employed directly in manufacturing In 2010, the average U.S. manufacturing worker earned $77,186 annually, including pay and benefits. The average worker in all industries earned $56,436 annually U.S. manufacturers are the most productive workers in the worldfar surpassing the worker productivity of any other major manufacturing economy, leading to higher wages and living standards U.S. manufacturers perform two-thirds of all private sector R&D in the nation, driving more innovation than any other sector Taken alone, U.S. Manufacturing would be the 9th largest economy in the world
6 Importance of Manufacturing An Engine of Growth 1.High multiplier effect and extensive linkages to other parts of the economy - creates more economic activity both within and outside the sector than does a similar increment in any other major sector. It FUELS other sectors. Backward Links and Effects – mining and construction Forward Links and Effects – warehousing, transportation, wholesale and retail trade of finished goods 2.R&D, through the innovation process, boosts overall productivity growth 3.Creates export opportunities and drives foreign reserves, creates a balance of trade 4.Drives strong wages and a higher standard of living
7 Importance of Manufacturing (Contd.)
8 The Role of Manufacturing
9 Key To Economic Development Nigeria and Africa What is the Key to Economic Development? Economic Growth – the generation of income and profits for Nigerian Companies Adding value to Nigerias vast physical and human resources One Key Sustainable Source of Economic Growth? Manufacturing – will enhance Nigeria and Africas competiveness in the global market place Can Economic Development be Achieved in Emerging Markets? Yes – China, Japan, India, Brazil What Must We Do? We must STOP exporting resources ONLY after zero to minimal processing We must break into export markets We must move from local monopolies to the PRODUCTIVITY escalator Attract foreign investment to bring export infrastructure up to global standards Governments must negotiate trade preferences for Africa (via a vis US, EU, Asia schemes)
10 State of Manufacturing Africa With only a few exceptions, Manufacturing plays a minor role in Africas economy Limited to small firms and simple products – baked goods, apparel, basic furniture Why is this? An uncertain macroeconomic environment Excessive regulations – acting as a BRAKE on growth Poverty – skews domestic demand towards BASIC necessities Paul Collier in his book, The Bottom Billion, summarized the situation as follows: Manufacturing in the bottom billion is in decline. Thirty years of protection created a parasite with stagnant productivity, and a decade of modest liberalization has merely reduced its size
11 Manufacturing: on A Per Capita Basis Africa / Percent (%) Decline and Growth 1981 – 1994: Declined 1.0% a year, only second to construction; Compared to the whole economy at 0.6% 1994 – 2008: Grew, however it was the worst. Construction, Transport and communication have grown the highest 1981 – 1994: Declined 1.0% a year, only second to construction; Compared to the whole economy at 0.6% 1994 – 2008: Grew, however it was the worst. Construction, Transport and communication have grown the highest
12 Consequence of Manufacturing Decline Goods Exports in Sub-Saharan Africa Resulting in exports decline Sub-Saharan Africa: 12% of Worlds population. produced less than 1% of worlds manufacturing exports
13 Comparison with Asia Africa and Asia Asia - exports into the world markets Only five countries in Sub-Saharan Africa exports more than $100 manufactured goods per capita On Average Africa exports $36, compared to $680 and $1,317 in China and SE Asia Asia - exports into the world markets Only five countries in Sub-Saharan Africa exports more than $100 manufactured goods per capita On Average Africa exports $36, compared to $680 and $1,317 in China and SE Asia
14 Comparison with Asia (Contd.) Africa and Asia Structure of Exports ASIA VALUE: Manufactured Goods Processed Commodities Primary Commodities AFRICA VALUE: Hierarchy runs in the opposite direction, Except in Mauritius, which enjoys one of the highest per capital income in the region. VALUE Value added through processing and manufacturing GENERATES profits, income and jobs Africa is not doing enough in the area of adding value to primary commodities
15 Comparison with Asia (Contd.) Africa and Asia
16 Strategy for Successful Manufacturing Nigeria and Africa 1. Given Asias many manufactured goods, US and EUs maturity, Africa would need to pin point specific target products for highest probability of success 2. To raise the probability of success, based on 1, attract/import skilled and experienced practitioners and manufacturers to accelerate the process of manufacturing development 3. Reliable infrastructure – Power, Communication, Water, Transportation 4. Develop a knowledge based economy: we cannot take short cuts 1. Well trained and adaptive workforce 2. Advanced management systems 3. Capital intensive productive processes high levels of productivity These factors combine to allow a region to remain competitive in dynamic, even turbulent, global marketplace
17 Economic Building Blocks For a Knowledge Based Economy Access to large, dynamic markets for exports, financing, and general business interactions Access to a skilled labor force Available land and a reliable land registration platform/system Competitive tax and regulatory framework High Quality of Life
18 Why Open Up to Foreign Firms Nigeria and Africa 1. To raise the probability of success, based on 1, attract/import skilled and experienced practitioners and manufacturers to accelerate the process of manufacturing development 2. Attract foreign investments (capital)), in some case in partnership with the government (PPP) 3. Labour Turnover: trained workers transfer new skills to local firms. They contribute to technology diffusion by creating their own start-ups 4. Demonstration Effect: local firms adopt technology (imitation and reverse engineering) 5. Vertical Linkages: Investments flow from SME to local firms (supported by proper public policies)
19 Thank You