3 EGR Identification Service ESTP Training on EGR 6-7 September 2016
The EGR Identification Service Based on the experience from EGR 1.0 system a major challenge for the processing of data from different sources proved to be the lack of unique identifier The EGR Identification service is a module of the EGR system an application assigning the unique ID numbers for legal units in the EGR process identification system with statistical purposes
Coverage The EGR IS aims to cover all incorporated legal units that may potentially be part of MNEs 20 million legal units, of which 19.5 million from EU and EFTA countries Sources: EU and EFTA NSIs and two commercial sources Yearly updates The EGR IS applies an own identification number Legal entity identifier (LEID) number In all EGR data exchanges the LEID numbers should be used
The LEID number In the EGR data exchanges with NSIs all legal units are identified with LEID number The LEID number is the unique identification number assigned by the EGR IS The structure of LEID numbers has been created by Eurostat specifically for the purposes of the EGR The LEID number is a combination of the country code, register code and national identification number of the legal units
Format of the LEID number For EU and EFTA countries the LEID number is composed of the two-letter country code the register code assigned to the national register by the EGR and the legal unit’s national ID number in that register The types of national ID numbers used in the EGR IS were chosen by the NSIs of Member States
Examples of the LEID number EU+EFTA countries, e.g. Austria country code 'AT' the Austrian trade register's internal register code '21013' identification number given to a particular legal unit within this register '094342p' AT21013094342p Other countries, e.g. Canada country code 'CA' 11-digit sequential number CA10034881883
Functionalities of the EGR IS Manual identification of legal units Individual search Within the EGR IS database Or via web-service to one commercial data provider Batch identification of legal units Identification based on data files sent by NSIs Management of datasets for users
Live demonstration of EGR IS functionalities Login to the application https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/egr-is Manual identification of legal units Individual search Within the EGR IS database Or via web-service to one commercial data provider Batch identification of legal units Identification based on data files sent by NSIs
EGR IS - developments 2016 (1) Differences of online and batch search analysed – no difference, but cases with matches below 90% only are sent to not identified (performance reasons) Search for DUNS / BVD IDs without country code Add to search results the status of the LEU and type of LEU (LEU/branch) Add to search results the full address of the LEU
EGR IS - developments 2016 (2) Show reference year on the detailed information page Show whether a LEU was group head or part of an EGR group last year Export function for EGR administrators on not updated legal units New data flow for re-identification of existing LEID numbers Percentage of automatic acceptance to be set by the users
EGR IS - developments 2016 (3)
EGR IS - developments 2016 (4)
EGR IS - developments 2016 (5)
EGR IS - what we still miss Show address details from the request file in batch processing Link between batch process and online search These tasks will be developed in the first half of 2017 Further requests can be sent by the users any time to Eurostat Discussion on further needs
Further reading, EGR IS user guide EGR wiki Details on the EGR applications page / EGR IS User guide on the User guides page