Bhagavad-Gita As It Is Chapter 18 Text 49-53 Elevated to the position of Self-realization.
Text 49-50 asakta-buddhiù sarvatra jitätmä vigata-spåhaù naiñkarmya-siddhià paramäà sannyäsenädhigacchati siddhià präpto yathä brahma tathäpnoti nibodha me samäsenaiva kaunteya niñöhä jïänasya yä parä One who is self-controlled and unattached and who disregards all material enjoyments can obtain, by practice of renunciation, the highest perfect stage of freedom from reaction. O son of Kunté, learn from Me how one who has achieved this perfection can attain to the supreme perfectional stage, Brahman, the stage of highest knowledge, by acting in the way I shall now summarize. 7/22/2019 Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. Free template from
Real renunciation Real renunciation means that one should always think himself part and parcel of the Supreme Lord and therefore think that he has no right to enjoy the results of his work. The person acting in Kåñëa consciousness is really a sannyäsé, one in the renounced order of life. A sannyäsé is supposed to be free from the reactions of his past activities, but a person who is in Kåñëa consciousness automatically attains this perfection without even accepting the so-called order of renunciation. One who is satisfied in himself has no fear of any kind of reaction from his activity. 7/22/2019 Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. Free template from
Text 51-53 buddhyä viçuddhayä yukto dhåtyätmänaà niyamya ca çabdädén viñayäàs tyaktvä räga-dveñau vyudasya ca vivikta-sevé laghv-äçé yata-väk-käya-mänasaù dhyäna-yoga-paro nityaà vairägyaà samupäçritaù ahaìkäraà balaà darpaà kämaà krodhaà parigraham vimucya nirmamaù çänto brahma-bhüyäya kalpate Being purified by his intelligence and controlling the mind with determination, giving up the objects of sense gratification, being freed from attachment and hatred, one who lives in a secluded place, who eats little, who controls his body, mind and power of speech, who is always in trance and who is detached, free from false ego, false strength, false pride, lust, anger, and acceptance of material things, free from false proprietorship, and peaceful—such a person is certainly elevated to the position of self-realization. 7/22/2019 Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. Free template from
Brahma Bhuta stage When one is purified by intelligence, he keeps himself in the mode of goodness, and develops following attributes: the controller of the mind and is always in trance, not attached to the objects of sense gratification, free from attachment and hatred in his activities, naturally prefers to live in a secluded place, does not eat more than what he requires, controls the activities of his body and mind, has no false ego because he does not accept the body as himself, No desire to make the body fat and strong, no bodily concept of life, not falsely proud. satisfied with everything that is offered to him by the grace of the Lord, and is never angry in the absence of sense gratification, that is the stage of self-realization of Brahman. 7/22/2019 Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. Free template from