Persuasive Commercial You will create a one minute persuasive commercial in a group. Create a product (real or fictional) for your group to promote. This commercial must utilize all of the persuasive elements and techniques discussed yesterday in class. You have today to plan and create your story board and script. Along with your short video you will turn in two pieces of paper that explains the following information: Context (What is the problem or situation your product addresses?) Purpose (How does your product solve this problem or situation?) Primary and Secondary Audiences Use the SIX persuasive techniques from your notes in your commercial. Explain how you used each technique. The second sheet of paper should have your storyboard. Your storyboard must have at least five boxes with an illustration of your plan. Each box should have a caption under it explaining what is going on in that “shot.” You will have about half of class tomorrow to film your commercial. We will not be editing them so your commercial must be filmed in one take. Feel free to bring in any props or other necessities to help enhance your commercial. REMEMBER EVERYTHING MUST BE SCHOOL APPROPRIATE!!!! Failure to follow this requirement will result in a zero for this project.